View Full Version : Being away from my mum

05-05-14, 17:55
Hi, today's been a good day anxiety wise. I feel so calm and ready to take on a lot.
Apart from this past hour.
I'm moving back to uni for a month and I'm get really anxious and upset about being away from my mum. And all the worst case senarios for myself and her are coming into my head and I'm going back to the old 'oh my god how will i live without her' even though i'm coming back on friday so i's what, four nights apart.
I keep feeling tearful again and I don't know how i'm going to cope, especially at night, on my own in my room without her there. And she's on her own too and I know she misses me a lot so I don't want her to be unhappy.
How can I be stong and positive and move past this attachment. 4 days seems like an awfully long time. Is there anything I can do/think that will help me.
Thank you

05-05-14, 17:59
Hi, I know how you feel, I always miss my mum too but deep down you know she'll be fine, she's probably so proud you're at uni etc, and it's only 4 days, if you start to feel really down then just pick the phone up and give her a ring, or think about your weekend with her, what yous can get up to etc, and keep reminding yourself that it's one minute/hour/day closer to seeing her again! Good luck in sure it'll be fine :)