View Full Version : Cancelled my lymph node biopsy

05-05-14, 18:34
Just got the word on how much it's going to cost me and I really do not have that kind of money. I'm hoping DH will get a new job next month with better insurance so I can always reschedule. Guess it gives me time to monitor them for a little longer and maybe try another dose of antibiotics. Sometimes I really miss the NHS! Other times, not so much!

05-05-14, 23:10
So, you saw an ENT surgeon who felt the nodes and recommended a biopsy but you're not doing it because of the cost? Didn't he say that it could be possible due to an infection or cancer?

I'm sorry, that doesn't make any sense to me at all :( Did you speak to him about this? Are you taking antibiotics? At least, give that a try to get the nodes to resolve.

As a survivor, when a medical professional wants to rule out something sinister, I really think you should listen.

Positive thoughts

05-05-14, 23:36
I agree,your life or your emotional stability must be more important, why doesn't your health Insurance cover It.

06-05-14, 02:14
My health insurance does cover it but not all of it. Would have cost about $3000 upfront. I'm buying a house Wednesday so don't have that right now (a bit to fat along in the process to just drop it). Next month will be a different story. Anyway, I saw my regular doctor today and she thinks the surgeon and on call doctor I saw are a little nuts - she did a full exam of all the nodes in my head and shoulders and ran a blood test. Neither of the other doctors did this. They felt a single node and said it was swollen and the cause can only be accurately determined by biopsy. My regular doctor thinks they are just reactive node, probably resulting from some recent dental work, have me some stronger antibiotics and some anti anxiety meds to take as needed. She said that going straight from an initial check up to a biopsy in less than a week was jumping the gun somewhat and she would like to find out why they made those decisions.

I never saw an ENT surgeon. I saw a general surgeon add that was where I was referred.

I am not putting money before my life, but sometimes you have to be practical . I

---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

My doctor also said that the surgeons suggestion of it being skin cancer (if cancer at all) seemed a little unlikely given my massive fear of skin cancer means I rarely leave the house in the summer with out a I'VE long sleeved top, a Sun hat and factor 50 sunscreen, plus the fact I have a full mole check up annually and get suspicious moles checked as needed.