View Full Version : Low Blood Sugar *Panic*!!

05-05-14, 20:04
Hi All...

My partner is diabetic, but so I have been told by several doctors and GPs over the years that I am not diabetic... I sometimes test myself on a blood test machine and usually mine is about 4.5 5.0 or 6.0 but sometimes when I have tested it ,it has been 3.8 3.2 which I think is low.... as I always thought it was supposed to be between 4.0 and 8.0.. I have spoken to doctors and GPs about this on and off for year and they all say it is ok!
But I still think it is not right and I am worried to death about it. In my own mind I still feel that this might be why I get panic attacks.

Apart from this... I keep getting dreadful panic attacks on my own when I am on my own.... as we all know, that when we are on our own and things happen your mind just goes into danger alert...but I am going to see a person at the mental health team for some CBT, I have had it before, but it just doesn't seem to help but I am going again in hope that perhaps it might help me. I just live in hope really that I can be cured of this anxiety and panic.... the worst thing I get is a warming pressure pain on my chest that goes up to my throat, and that it horrible... the hardest part about al this panic and so called anxiety is why we get these dreadful feelings.. its great to know when doctors tell you that you are ok...but even when we get told this, nothing ever seems to cure us... be pleased if anyone else has had what I have experience..... thanks all.:D

05-05-14, 21:53
Your low blood sugar (which is not tolow) Could all be down to weight and your diet,do you eat regulary and not too much sweet food,

06-05-14, 17:06
Thanks for that:)) The thing is I was always told that it should be between 4.0 and 8.0....but like I mentioned, one of the people in the hospital said it was a bit low and the other doctor, said it fine... you just don't know where you are eh:)))

I am slightly over weight BMI 28.9, and I do eat sweet things to make sure the blood sugar doesn't go too low... I have one big slice of toast for breakfast with a fair amount of marmalade :)) then usually nothing until tea time when I have my dinner at about 5.30pm....

Just to ask, how do you kind of know that what I said was ( alright?)
Have you asked your GP in the past, or just know the information from other things? but thanks for calming me down a bit:)) LOL:))) stress:))

06-05-14, 17:46
Years of experience, what happens when you eat to much sweet stuff it has the opposite effect,just watch your diet if you can as your bmi is quite high, puts you at risk for type 2 which is what worries you,viscious circle isn't It.
You will be fine just eat more beans/porridge/fish/jackets etc keep you fuller for longer,you should have lunch as well,how are you today

06-05-14, 18:00
With diabetes your blood sugar goes too high as the body isn't producing enough insulin to lower the levels in your blood.....a diabetics blood sugar will only go low if uncontrolled / having too much medication.

If you aren't diabetic or not on medication then the levels are probably diet related. Maybe introduce some natural sugars from fruit when feeling poorly...see if that helps. Then as above pulses and potatoes/ pasta for slow release sugar....in other words a healthy balanced diet. Always speak to your GP if still concerned though....hope that has eased your mind a little

06-05-14, 19:40
hi Guys

Yep I am fine today:)) although have had a little tremor of a panic attack, but I managed to stay focused and not let it get the better of me:))

I have been eating chocolates and sweets to keep my blood sugar up!!
Mad isn't it... but it was the only thing I could think of to do to keep me
on balance... All the doctors hospitals and everything say that I am not diabetic *thankfully* so I thought I might have that other condition whereby it goes low..... the thing is.... I have tested myself on one of those blood monitors when I have felt completely fine and it has been low
and when I have actually felt funny it has been normal... strange isn't it.
I will take all your advise and eat what you have suggested....

Lets hope I get somewhere with changing what I do:))):D

06-05-14, 19:52
I hope so too, eating too much choccy and sweets will not do you any good if you were hypoglycemic choccy/sweets wouldn't have any effect as they don't work fast enough you would pass out before they had chance to work.

07-05-14, 12:48
Hey my name is Jack and I am a diabetic and suffering from panic attack as well. I dont know diabetes or panic attack are interlink with each other or not. But one thing which i feel in my case is that whenever my sugar increases I experience panic attack but other this i couldn't identify other relation between diabetes and panic attack. Please help me and guide me