View Full Version : Vegan/ Gluten/ sugar free diet??

05-05-14, 20:50
I was wondering if anyone has any experience of trying a special diet to help with anxiety/ depression. I have started feeling massive anxiety around eating meals and drinking also (I am not under weight and do not suffer from an eating disorder) which is driving me mad. I also get really bad ibs now which isnt really helping. Any thoughts or opinions welcome :)

05-05-14, 20:54
A healthy balanced diet is definitely recommended for anxiety, I've replied to your private message though :)

05-05-14, 20:56
Hi Fizz.

I cut back drastically on the amount of wheat I eat about three weeks ago. Before this I felt nauseous almost daily, had terrible, terrible wind and indigestion and generally felt like my insides were fermenting.

The difference has been drastic.

Stopped eating bread, pasta, any kind of cake/biscuits and have done my best to stay away from anything containing wheat.

Digestion has settled down so, so much and the nausea/fermenting feeling along with the awful wind has practically vanished.

I've also seen my weight start to drop too!

Hope this helps.



05-05-14, 21:41
If you have IBS then it would be really helpful for you to visit a nutritionist and ask them to help you look at your diet and what might be causing it. There's no particular diet recommended for anxiety except that you make sure you eat a fairly healthy balanced diet and don't ever skip meals (especially breakfast).

Avoiding stimulants like caffeine, sugar and alcohol is recommended, as they can just add to the stress levels you're already feeling.

05-05-14, 22:34
Cheers Guys- I guess its worth a try eh :P Yeah I defs try not to skip meals/ avoid bad things like caffeine :)

Worried 24/7
06-05-14, 01:10
I have been considering trying the candida diet as a lot if my symptoms actually go along with candida infection. If nothing else, it would cut out a lot of garbage and I'd feel better in general!

06-05-14, 02:33
I cut out dairy and gluten and it helped a lot with my depression - less so with my anxiety.

06-05-14, 11:46
I've been hoping to get rid of things like wheat from my diet - My symptoms are bloating and constipation. I'm terrified its cancer but I know deep down its probably something like IBS. My doctor prescribes me laxatives but they don't seem to be helping.
I'm finding it hard to cut out wheat because It is such a big lifestyle choice - I work long hours and I'm all for convenience food. I'm writing this thinking, 'gosh, there really is no wonder I have all these problems' haha xx

06-05-14, 12:56
One thing I think you need to be aware of is the need to supplement a wheat-free/gluten free diet to ensure you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need.

I'm finding my energy levels are lower than they were when I was eating bread but the positive difference to my digestion means it's something I'm happy to go with.