View Full Version : Please HELP chronic anxiety

05-05-14, 20:56
Hi I've generalised anxiety disorder and after 3 long months of trying to find the right combo of meds we settled on cymbalta 120 and it wasn't doing enough so remeron was added in and finally seroquel which made me waaaay better quickly. However after 8 months my anxiety returned and the psych doubled my seroquel to 600mg xr at night. A week later and anxiety is still sky high and agitation/low mood. I feel there may not be a lot of options for me for my chronic anxiety (I do psychology sessions also). I see my psych doc in two days. I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance. I tried zyprexa before seroquel and it did nothing for me. Seroquel was my miracle drug but doesn't seem to be helping anymore :(

05-05-14, 21:33
Hi Asha, have you tried anything along with the medication and counselling sessions to help with your anxiety levels?

Things like CBT, meditation, exercise, daily relaxation, yoga, breathing exercises can all help. As well as making sure you eat, drink & sleep healthily while avoiding stimulants like caffeine and sugar.

05-05-14, 22:05
Yes I attend psychology sessions every fortnight and practise mindfulness and meditation.

06-05-14, 18:17
I have had a relapse on clomipramine - at first it was my miracle drug for about a year - then after a stressful experience with a work program provider where I flipped - things never quite recovered properly enven when I increased dosage about 7 months ago... I am now also trying rispiridone on top - but not keen at all due to side effects. Feeling so anxious now and I know how gutting it is when you know you have been free of it, but at least this gives us hope - it can be fixed x deep breathing, comfort food (not to excess) & good film/book are my recomendations.