View Full Version : Chest heaviness and arm ache EVERYDAY???

05-05-14, 21:45

I have suffered 2 major panic attacks December last but since then the last 4 months nearly every day I have chest heaviness, waves of discomfort in chest, the odd palpitation and arm heaviness. This is most days and can last a few hours. I never have suffered pain it's more discomfort. PLEASE can anyone tell me if they experience this also?

Much appreciated!!

05-05-14, 21:54
I have for the past 2 months! I even have trouble breathing at times! Sometimes it feels like my arm is burning or just a numb feeling!!!!
i freak out thinking im having a heart attack, but all my test came back normal!!!!!

05-05-14, 21:59
Hi Eve thanks so much for the reply! The only tests I have had are blood test and a heart stress test that's just because I asked my doctor because I was worried! Both came back normal. What tests have u had done?

05-05-14, 22:04
chest x ray, ekg and i had the er to admit me that night of my awful panic so i could be on a heart monitor!!!!

05-05-14, 22:17
Ya I know exactly how your feeling! Sometimes I would feel nausea as well but haven't got sick it's like a feeling in your stomach if u got off a boat or a ride in an amusement park. Do u ever feel like that? How long have u anxiety?

05-05-14, 22:59
yes, or mine will lead to the RUNS :blush:
But i have dealt with it off and on since i was 14, i will be 23 tomm!
I went through a deep depression when i was 14, but then i wasnt having any anxiety until a few years later, i was short of breath all the time, thought i had asthma but when i went to the hospital i was having a panic attack, so i was on prozac for a bit then i stop taking meds for a few years the 5 months ago after i had my 4th baby i started to suffer with severe Anxiety!!
This is new to me so im still struggling with it but better then before because of this forum!!!!

---------- Post added at 16:59 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

I sent you a PM to!!

05-05-14, 23:15
And wud u be feeling chest heaviness and arm dullness/heaviness most days for a few hours? Happy Birthday by the way!

05-05-14, 23:32
yes i am now!!!! :weep:
thank you!!
my left arm always feel numb, tingling, or just a funny feeling, pains every now and again thru out the day!!!
my chest feels heavy like pressure also my upper back stays really tensed!!!

05-05-14, 23:47
Upper back bad posture can cause a range of problems such as these, ranging from tingling to pain in the arms, chest, neck and face...hyper kyphosis is a common problem exacerbated by the use of the laptop. Certain exercises can help correct it before it gets painful and distorts your back in old age.

06-05-14, 00:10
Eve I hope it goes away soon for u I know how those exact symptoms feel!! This forum is really good I don't post much but I find it very good!! Here's to trying to rid this anxiety! :mad::mad:

Thanks also for the reply panchogoz on the bad back posture makes sense I also get that too and I sit at a computer 10hrs a day 5 days a week!

06-05-14, 02:53
Yea im always on my lap top also!

06-05-14, 13:36
hi im going through that now, its not nice and scares me to death. random thoughts go through your head and its hard to control. at times i think im going to have a heart attack. dont know about you but if i focus on my heavy chest feeling it gets worse i hope you start to feel better soon.

06-05-14, 18:30
Minn, I understand, same thing im going through now..:weep:

06-05-14, 20:12
You might have Fibromyalgia..! apparently that condition gives you panic attacks, IBS, Numbness, chest pains and everything... I have Fibromyalgia and I have been to countless hospitals with all the usual can't breathe and panic attacks chest pains, dead arms, everything that you have said, and they said to me that what I have is all part of Fibromyalgia....To find out if you have this, ask your doctor to send you to a rheumatologist. That's what I did... and they test you for EVERYTHING:)) and when it all comes back normal which is did for me, then they look at all your medical history as well and ask you about the pains etc and then was when I was told I had it.
It's worth a try to ask if you can be tested.... hope all goes well for you.

07-05-14, 22:03
Minn I know exactly what u mean! Today u cud say all day and even now my chest is heavy weird fluttering movements, a weird stinging sensation now and again at the top of my chest. Always afraid that I'm gonna get pain any second. Anxiety is desperate and 99% of the time It comes on out of nowhere!

Telboy I have heard of what u said before but didn't know exactly what it was