View Full Version : 2 biopsies pending and am scared to death!

05-05-14, 22:09
I am so thankful to find this board because I feel like I am going crazy! Here is my story
I went for my annual GYN exam and my doc wanted to do an endometrial biopsy. I have had spotting for several years (I am 52) but in Novemebr I started having regular periods then in Feb I had a very very heavy period and I have had no bleeding whatsoever since then. I thought this was a good thing but NOW she decides she wants to do a biopsy.She thinks it's probably just the start of perimenopause but wants to be sure since I am still not having "normal" periods. I keep telling myself that if it was cancer - the bleeding wouldn't stop - it would only get worse without treatment!But of course now I'm freaking out because I'm a little crampy, kind of feeling like I'm going to get my period - or dying.
So that was Wed. On Thursday I get a call from the breast center to come back for "additional views" on my yearly mammogram. I get in, have the 2nd mammo and now have to have a biopsy tomorrow! I have "calcifications" in my breast. The radiologist actually came to talk to me and told me that he really thinks these are benign and he was really going back and forth about whether to do a biopsy or just repeat the mammo in 6 months but he said that if it were his daughter, he would tell her to have the biopsy and save 6 months of wondering and worry. So once again, I'm doing the self pep talk. He sees hundreds of these a week and if he really thought it was something bad, he would have said something more like "This could be nothing but..." but he didn't. He said several times that he thought they were benign but he wanted to be sure. Even the tech who did the mammo said he was really vacillating between the biopsy and the 6 month mammo and then said to her the same thing about if it was his daughter. So...I'm freaking out. Getting the results of the endometrial biopsy Wed (of course if she doesn't call that'll be a whole new freakout - is it good so she's not in a hurry to call or is it so bad she can't face me?)
So I have myself dead and buried and both things are probably going to com e back fine. I've barely been able to eat (so of course there's weight loss which is a bad sign in my crazy head), I've got all kinds of new symptoms now - back pain, stomach pain, breast pain, - which are probably all due to my anxiety!! Please someone reassure me that I am not crazy!!!

05-05-14, 22:15
I was the same as you at 49 and It was off and on and at 51/52 It finished completely never to be seen again, as for calcification in breast Its quite common, better to have biopsy now like he said than worry for 6 months, all will be fine but better to be safe than sorry.

05-05-14, 22:19
Thanks Alexandra. I wasn't at all worried , especially since the bleeding had stopped! But now waiting for the results have me sick, even though I do believe that if it were cancer, the bleeding would not have stopped. But I really feel I am in perimenopause and I guess once I get the good news that all is fine, I won't have to worry with each new symptom of perimenopause that might crop up. Thanks again!

05-05-14, 22:24
You may find that you are actually now menaupausal, 50 is average age and you are 52 do would bet on that,
PS just had a quick read up on calcification and about 50℅ of women have some form or other, looked It up so you didn't LOL

06-05-14, 12:15
LOL thank you! Google is NOT my friend!

06-05-14, 17:59
Google is nobodies friend,it should be banned when It comes to medical problems, always best to ask your Dr or nurse,even NMP is less likely to scare you compared

06-05-14, 18:06
I have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor. She told me that when she did her mammogram, the radiologist sent her to her dr right then and he told her she had a lump that looked very much like cancer. There was NO maybe in the conversation. They have to check bc if they have any suspicion and say nothing an it turns out to be something, you could sue them. Sounds to me like its a precaution to ensure that what he is seeing is correct. I think folks w HA don't do well w tests or waiting. We r here if u need to talk!