View Full Version : Another Herpes concern..

05-05-14, 22:40
Okay I know I ask many questions about herpes, and I've been getting better with my concerns. The more people answer my questions, the more my mind becomes at ease. I'm going to try and stop with these posts but my anxiety has been through the roof.

I recently had gotten a nasty pimple under my lip. It hurt. I had a swollen gland as well and I thought it all related to me having herpes. Well, I assume it was a pimple.

Now the pimple is healing, and I went to get my haircut today. The man had something under his lip. Now, my question is:

Say if his saliva came in contact with my pimple, does that make me more vulnerable to catching herpes? can I even contract it from saliva or does it have to always be skin to skin? My pimple is healing but had a cut around it.

i just want to do normal things without always thinking about the worst :doh:

thanks for those who understand my concern and how my mind won't let me let this go. much love

05-05-14, 23:20

Think about this....

Even in the one in a million chance his saliva hit your pimple (did he spit a lot when he talked?) AND he had herpes AND it penetrated the skin... Well let's make those odds one in maybe 10 million to one.... So What? Close to 50% (probably more) of the world has HSV1. It's not a big deal... honestly ;)

Positive thoughts

05-05-14, 23:31
Tastee I understand your anxiety makes you think like this but really whats the chances of that read fishmanpa's post and ask yourself the question again love x

Worried 24/7
06-05-14, 01:06
I completely sympathize with you tastee as I have been terrified I have herpes as well, especially since what I'm assuming are sebaceous cysts keep appearing on my jaw, chin, face....I keep thinking, what if it's actually herpes??? Also it's that time of the month so I think that's why my face broke out like a prison riot....

Worried 24/7
07-05-14, 00:52
And now my eye stings that is right above one and I'm slowly convincing myself the bull is herpes and its spreading to my eye....