View Full Version : Time of day your anxiety is at its worst??

05-05-14, 22:54
Hiya everyone.

I am just wondering if anyone else is like me and finds their HA at its worst at night??

I have recently given up Dr Google (4 days 'sober') but tonight I am really struggling. I have a sore back and sides and am desperate to look it up, as I remember reading, in one of my many searches, that pain later on in the day is a sign of something else :-(



06-05-14, 00:34
Usually towards evening, mornings can be tough as well.

06-05-14, 00:43
Mornings are the worst for me. I have a moment upon waking when all is good then it all floods in!

06-05-14, 01:11
Always the evening. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not keeping busy with work (the evening is my time to relax... ha).

Conveniently it's always at its very worst when I'm in bed trying to sleep... and I get tempted to pull out the laptop and consult Dr Google.

06-05-14, 01:17
Mine is in the morning, facing the day. But when I get to work I'm okay. Then it's heading home facing a teenager who doesn't understand the panic and anxiety.

06-05-14, 10:54
Morning over here

06-05-14, 11:21
I'm ok then when I get to work and have a little pins and needles in my legs that's it I'm worrying for rest of day

06-05-14, 14:16
Whenever I have down time ...

06-05-14, 15:30
Morning I dread what the day as in store with my anxieties pa if and agoraphobia by tea time I am drai end of energy from waking up anxious and staying they way biggest part of the morning x

06-05-14, 16:39
Mornings are the worst for me.

06-05-14, 17:44
In the evening when I'm not really doing much and my mind starts to wonder. Also I often have anxiety after eating as I'm recovering from bulimia.

06-05-14, 19:01
I'm not so bad now, but when I was bad, it was definitely worse during the morning. I didn't feel so bad in the evenings for some reason, but going to bed was a nightmare.

06-05-14, 19:02
Another morning vote here.

06-05-14, 19:49
Evenings and first things are the worst. The only other time that can be really bad is driving on my own, my mind wonders and i self diagnose and loose concentration. I now listen to audio books in the car as it helps stay focused, i can drift off if ts just music,

06-05-14, 22:33
evening night time is a constant battle for me, alone with my mind

06-05-14, 23:47
All day long at the mo. Mornings are worse, wondering what the day will bring next.