View Full Version : Old Symptom of Anxiety Returned

06-05-14, 10:05
It's been many a year since I started waking up anxious, but here I am again. I'm not having bad dreams, but wake and BOOM! Its already there and I wake up with a start.

Its so hard to cope with because my mind is still tired and less able to think straight. Last night, i woke every 2-3 hours with my stomach in a tight knot and feeling like I could quite literally climb the walls.

So i put on a mindfullness or relaxation tape and do that and I nod off, only to wake up again... And so it goes on.

I do have a problem on my mind and deep down i know its that causing it but because ive never felt this particular symptom for so long, i'm surprised at how poorly Im coping with it.

Any advice please?

06-05-14, 10:26
You are factually not coping poorly Miss and such facts.

As you stated, you have had a remission like factual period where such was not felt, and while you do not possess the nightmares or incorrect negative dreams, it still occurs without them and such.

You are simply coping as is factually natural after such a lengthy period without such factual anxiety. If you would factually wish to state the problem of which weighs upon your mind, I am as per the usual glad to be of use and listen as I do with all DPGs and ladies such as yourself.

The brief fact of calmness never factually lasts due to the infrequent and uncontrollable fact of the mind and body and such Miss. Hence the repetitive waking with the sickening feeling.

Do not factually doubt yourself, you shall factually succeed and should remain proud of yourself for doing so and such.

06-05-14, 10:39
Hey hun, I think its natural to not cope fabulously as you haven't had to cope for so long. Its almost like a shock to your system. You say you have something on your mind at the moment and that's probably exactly what it is. Its important to know you have pushed through anxiety before and you can and will get past it again. I'm too a big anxiety sufferer. I was doing ok but last few days have been bad (hormones) and probably slightly nervous about a new job I start next Monday xx

07-05-14, 18:23
The event I was dreading was today and I've gotten through it only because it didn't come off, and I was glad it didn't. So I suffered all the anxiety for naught :doh:

Hormones! I turned 50 in December and it seemed like a switch got turned off in my body. The PMT is unbelievable and the anxiety is through the roof; not helped by the fact I've had some flooding which the Dr. has told me to keep an eye on...but it's par for the course I'm told.

Good luck with your job xrachykinsx!