View Full Version : I give up...

06-05-14, 10:37
It's all becoming really difficult. My boyfriend is going away - he is the person I talk to the most about my anxiety...
I'm about to move house - back in with my parents because I can't afford to live away any more. My mum doesn't understand - she reckons I'm a massive drama queen and when I start having low moments she tells me to get a grip, which doesn't help.
She tells me I'm ungrateful for everything I have, when actually I'm so grateful for what I have I'm terrified of having a terminal illness or someone I love is going to get ill and I'm going to lose everything I have.
I don't know what to do anymore...

06-05-14, 10:51
Rainbow my mother is the same exact way. She said I'm ungrateful too. It's really hard for people without anxiety to understand because we tend to so illogical. I just stopped talking about my anxiety except on this forum. Anyway, you can't give up. You can get through this and you don't need your boyfriend to help you.

07-05-14, 10:00
Rainbow my mother is the same exact way. She said I'm ungrateful too. It's really hard for people without anxiety to understand because we tend to so illogical. I just stopped talking about my anxiety except on this forum. Anyway, you can't give up. You can get through this and you don't need your boyfriend to help you.

Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to stop talking to my boyfriend about it so much.. Every night at the moment I seem to be crying myself to sleep about whether I feel like I'm going to die or not.. I think he's getting sick of it. He doesn't understand, but at least he tries to. My mother on the other hand doesn't understand and makes every effort not to. I spoke to a friend yesterday and she has really helped me - told me to take it one day at a time. She told me to make a list of all the things that made me feel better and do those things if I'm having a low moment... Easier said than done but I'm going to give it a go :) xx

07-05-14, 10:41
Good idea rainboww :) it will get easier

07-05-14, 13:07
hi ive learnt not to be ashamed of my panic and anxiety i tell anyone then if i have a funny turn ive told them. until some one suffers with it they cant understand how bad it is and gets. i just say i dont want to be like this i wouldnt put myself through it let alone any one else. your not alone.

09-05-14, 01:47
I'm sorry to hear what you are all going through with the lack of support from your moms. I'm fortunate enough to have a mother (who lives 2200 miles away) who always asks me how I'm doing and tells me to hang in there, that things will get better. My husband has been supportive as well. He will give me a hug and tells me to get better. Sometimes he will give me back rubs.

I feel for all of you.

09-05-14, 01:50
It's all becoming really difficult. My boyfriend is going away - he is the person I talk to the most about my anxiety...
I'm about to move house - back in with my parents because I can't afford to live away any more. My mum doesn't understand - she reckons I'm a massive drama queen and when I start having low moments she tells me to get a grip, which doesn't help.
She tells me I'm ungrateful for everything I have, when actually I'm so grateful for what I have I'm terrified of having a terminal illness or someone I love is going to get ill and I'm going to lose everything I have.
I don't know what to do anymore...

Hey, hey, there's no need to become so hopeless! Are you going to therapy? Are you getting any kind of personal help regarding this issue? If you wanna talk, you can PM me! Me being a hypochondriac, can tell you pretty sure that if you think you have something, then you don't have it. So no worries, always remember that :)