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View Full Version : How many people experience heart palps?

06-05-14, 12:39
I have been having heart palps on and of for a few weeks, i experienced this for a couple of days last year and put it down to reflux and it went away.
This time i started getting them on an evening sat watching tv a few weeks back, thought oh maybe its from not taking my omerprazole, started taking them again and it stopped a couple of days later, it the returned having a couple a day.
Now i could go most the day without any and then get some when i lie down to go to sleep, or like today im getting them on and off all day today theyre are really getting me down now!.
I dont get any dizziness and i dont get out of breath during one, they are just feeling like a hard beat and highly annyoying and set my anxiety sky high!.

i was out at my dads sunday having a laugh and my mind was completely of it and never had one at all .. however when i returned home they started again.

does anybody else get these regularly

06-05-14, 12:54
I get them everyday. Caffeine and anxiety trigger mine.

06-05-14, 13:10
As far as I'm aware this is the most classic and possibly common anxiety symptom, I think the majority of those on here will either get these regularly or will have done at some point. (Y)

06-05-14, 13:15
Thanks for your replies both! .. I have to say i think its one of the most scariest symptoms ive experienced! :(

06-05-14, 14:18
If you're worried about them have a look on here (http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?board=general), that's a site that was set up by a member on here (username 'RLR') who was a retired doctor. You might want to look at the older posts as they're all responded to in magnificent detail by RLR, unfortunately he hasn't been heard from for about a year and for a 93 year old man this sadly doesn't bode well for the forum picking up again. It doesn't exist much as an active forum any more but there's some invaluable material in the older threads that should put your mind at ease. :)

06-05-14, 14:37

06-05-14, 14:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

06-05-14, 22:05
Thankyou all for your replys .. How often do you all get them?

09-05-14, 00:47
Sometimes up to 20 times a day. They haven't been happening to much at the moment... im sure they will return soonrr or later. .

How are you feeling


Worried 24/7
09-05-14, 03:29
I get them and I try really hard to think "it's just anxiety, it's just anxiety...." but then I'll be like, "but what if it's not this time?????"

09-05-14, 09:05
Thats what i think .. They ddnt happen too much yday had a couple this morn and its making me focus on them again!

09-05-14, 22:39
I've been having them since my teens and I'm now 29. They happen when I'm anxious or worked up but I've been having them for so long I don't even think twice about them anymore.

30-05-14, 20:41
ive been getting them for 7 years now ... took about 3/4 years to learn to cope with them then went a couple of years living quite happily with them and not worrying but im back here as they are more severe at the moment and ive let my old mate anxiety back in thru the back door , at the moment im getting them daily .... also get heart hammers as i like to call them at least once a week where the heart just keeps beating really fast for about 8/10 beats .... now they are nasty !