View Full Version : What is it with this

06-05-14, 13:48
I've just noticed a bad behaviour trait of mine and I realise I've been doing it for quiet some time , so it's a negative trait. I was told by my doctor to exercise so I could lose weight as well as feel good but I haven't done either , due to lack of motivation , I know I should write out a healthy eating plan for a new healthy lifestyle change... but I just can't be bothered. I'm too stuck in my ways and I hate change because it means making a physical as well as a mental effort , you could say I'm lazy. I don't like this trait because it's had a negative impact on my life but like I say I can't find the motivation to do anything. I've read motivation books but that's as far as it will go just reading not following the exercises given in the book , bad I know. Could it be the 150mg sertraline I'm taking making me like this or is something wrong ? I can't get motivated mentally or physically

06-05-14, 14:06
Hi Dave,

I know nothing about setraline but I do know a lot about weight loss. For many years I have always wanted and dreamed of losing weight, but like yourself, could never stick to anything for long enough.

In the last 6 months, enough was enough, I went to the doctors and got some help (Turned out I had an underlying medical condition that was making it hard to lose weight). I've managed to lose roughly 15kg. I can honestly say that when you're ready to lose weight, you will be ready and you will do it. You truly have to want it!

A few tips would be to make small changes to your diet so it doesn't seem so daunting. Slowly build up length and intensity of exercise so you don't injure yourself.

Best of luck! Hopefully someone can advise you on the medication side of things

06-05-14, 14:11
Sometimes I don't know why I even bother trying to be positive because negativity always wins

06-05-14, 14:38
Hi Dave, I got to a point like that where I even lost motivation to go to my therapist. That was when she suggested I go on an SSRI as the lack of motivation and effort CAN (not always) be a symptom of depression. I see you are already on one, maybe the dose isn't enough? I can't say really. But for me, it was depression and getting the right dose of medication helped astronomically for me.

06-05-14, 14:39
I'm on 150mg sertraline. I just can't get a hold of myself I keep telling myself to snap out of it and get on with it I also keep comparing myself to others , I hate it.

06-05-14, 14:40
Maybe it isn't the right med for you? I don't know, but I do know how bad that feeling is and I am sorry you are going through it :(

06-05-14, 14:43
It's really pretty cut and dry. I think HoneyLove posted this.

Keep doing the same things and expect the same results.

I'll make a suggestion.... log off of the internet and go for a walk. Otherwise you're just perpetuating the issue you're discussing.

Positive thoughts and good luck to you!

06-05-14, 14:54
SSRIs work differently for everyone, but I've experienced this lack of motivation when I was on it. I could hardly even think I felt that drugged up and I only went up too half of the dose you were on.

06-05-14, 15:00
I feel like there's 2 people in me at times. One is positive and the other is negative but it's negativity that always gets the best of me I just can't find inner peace I feel tormented. I gave up drinking 5 months ago I'm feeling very tempted. ..