View Full Version : gad

06-05-14, 14:20
hi i have suffered agoraphobia since i was 14 im on now 49 its a lot better but it developed into general anxiety and im having a hard time at the min. my chest feels tight or i get flutters then i panic.its a tough trying to function daily at the min. i dont really want meds i dont relax so i ache in my back. feels like no one really understands how scary the feelings are. thoughts in your head can send you into a panic.

06-05-14, 14:26

Agoraphobic Rachel
06-05-14, 18:22
I suffer agoraphobia too. Have you tried cbt? I've recently gone onto setraline. Waiting for a cat appointment but the waiting lists are awful!! I'm going to try hypnotherapy.

07-05-14, 18:47
I've just been diagnosed with gad after Trying for years to get doctors to listen. Finally found someone who actually pushed his chair back, sat back and listened to me! I would be interested to hear how you are finding sertraline as he has put me on that. Must be the 8 th or ninth Med I've tried.
I find mindfulness helps. Cbt not helpful but they were always under the assumption I was depressed not anxious.
Thank goodness For a decent gp. Good luck x