View Full Version : hard bump on lower gums

06-05-14, 14:25
I'm writing this post because logically I know the answer already is that I am fine but I still can't stop poking/prodding.

I have a hard bump facing inward under my teeth on my gums. It is only on one side. It feels like bone honestly. It doesn't move and just feels like part of bone sticking out.

I admit I have googled here, there, and everywhere and everything I have read points to mandibular torus. 99.99% says it is benign and not cancer and to just let it be. I figure if even GOOGLE is telling me it is not cancer, it must not be.

But I keep obsessively poking it to see if it is getting bigger or not.

I honestly don't even know how long I have had it because i noticed it when I was prodding at something else about a month ago. I don't think it has changed in size in a month.

Anybody have similar? Any advice on how to stop poking it? My husband said to stick my tongue out each time I do it lol but I can't really do that at work ...

---------- Post added at 09:25 ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 ----------

Also just to add ... non-smoker, no tobacco use, have had the HPV vaccine and only one partner (my husband) anyway so oral cancer is rare ... but I can't get it out of my mind!!!!!!

06-05-14, 19:19
anybody have similar?

06-05-14, 19:29
I've had stuff like that before. No idea what it is but it went away after a few days. There are all sorts of bumps in that area of my mouth and I guess one just swelled up. And yes, if the absolute worse thing you can find says it is benign, I'd consider that a pretty awesome google diagnosis.

06-05-14, 20:05
I have 3. One on each side and then a small one under the reg sized one on one side. I was just at my dentist getting a thorough exam so I know for sure it's nothing evil.

06-05-14, 20:13
Hi I have these hard lumps inside my mouth too. They are inside my bottom jaw both sides but one side bigger than the other.they do not hurt or cause any problems. I always thought it was just where my teeth roots were in my jaw bone. I never have worried about them. I found what you said interesting and looked it up and yes it seems that's what they are. Do not worry

06-05-14, 20:32
Thank you everybody for your replies. It feels better knowing other people have them. I freaked out because I asked my husband if he has any and he was like "Uhhh what the heck are you talking about?" ... So thank you for your reassurance :hugs:

06-05-14, 20:42
I've got this I think it's called Mandibular Tory, it's completely benign, I've had mine for years on one side, but last year got into a panic as I googled it and a lot of the stuff said it mainly ocurred on both sides.

Anyway when I saw my hygienist she said it's really common and some people have them both sides, some people have them one side, some have lots of them and they can grow really large.

It's just like an overgrowth of the jaw bone and she said sometimes they say it can be a result of teeth grinding but it's not actually proven.

It certainly sounds like that's what you have and I think you are probably doing exactly what I did, keep feeling it with your tongue checking it. My hygienist said to me not to worry about lumps and bumps in my mouth because they are trained to spot anything concerning and would without doubt notice anything untoward.

Take care

06-05-14, 20:56
Thanks, that is really helpful. I only have it on one side and that was something that made me a little concerned when googling and saw the two-sided thing too!

I did grind my teeth a lot over the past two years while on lexapro. For some reason it made me grind my teeth more. Maybe that contributed to it.

---------- Post added at 15:56 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

And you are so right, I can't stop feeling it!!!!

06-05-14, 21:09
Quite possibly, it also said some people say it can be related to trauma in the area and many years ago I had a really bad abscess on that side of my mouth which resulted in a tooth extraction. I often wondered if the infection and disruption of the gum line caused mine to grow.

It does seem strange that we can both relate to things that potentially may have caused it. :yesyes:

08-10-15, 04:18
So I had something similar but I didn't want ot make a new post. IT feels like its where the root of teh lower teeth are and on my right side there's a hard lump (pretty small though ~ 1mm) - I went to the doctor ages ago and asked about it and he said it was a calcium deposit.

Recently, I've felt a tiny lump but I can't see it on my left side - almost symmetrical in position but was just wondering if it's possible for calcium deposits or mandibular toris (as said about) to be this small and develop like this? Or would this be something like hpv :S

08-10-15, 09:29
I have one of them. Mine is under my tongue on the side. Don't worry

08-10-15, 14:04
Just to update as this was my original thread last year ... my dentist has confirmed more than once that it is a mandibular tori and nothing to worry about, not even that big compared to others. Just a variant on how people's jaws look. They aren't symmetrical.

25-10-15, 19:37
I have this little bone sticking out above my gum

08-11-17, 20:03
This is an old post but since it's about the same subject as I have, I will place my question here. I have a hard bony bump on the right side for at least a year now or maybe even longer and that I noticed it last year but.. This bump is under my Mandibular Tori.. Near the floor of the mouth. It hasn't gotten any bigger and it's just as hard as my jaw, it feels like it grew out of my jaw.. If that makes any sense.. I wonder if more people have a bony growth under the Mandibular Tori near the floor of the mouth? I'm so scared it might be a cancer.. Help?

14-04-18, 19:58
I have a small hard spot on my lower gum that appeared suddenly. It is under my lower denture, so is painful when eating. The denture adhesive helps a bit by cushioning the pressure point. The dentist has tried removing a part of the denture, but still a problem. One site recommends checking with GP that it is not a serious problem, but my GP says they do not deal with dental problems.
Hopefully rinsing with warm salty water will get the spot to go.:)

14-04-18, 20:48
Hi Terry sounds like you are being proactive about it this is :shades: a lot of Gp's don't really do any dental work like a dentist would do So salt water is a great idea, if it doesn't clear in a week to 10 days see your dentist :) It really sounds nothing to worry about but its painful and annoying so for those 2 reasons go back to your dentist and do update us please ATB :)