View Full Version : The anguish of waiting for blood test results!

06-05-14, 15:16
Does anyone else get themselves into a state waiting on blood results?! I had to repeat a blood test because of a slightly raised esr level in my previous blood test last month.

I gave blood on Thursday last week and called for the results today but they are still not back arghhhhh I could just scream! I know it probably has something to do with the bank holiday we had here on Monday in the UK.

I just wish I could relax but until they are back I know going to get my knickers in a twist!

Thanks all for listening to my rant! X

31-12-14, 10:34
This situation can happen with anyone. Well I understand that how hard it might become for you to wait for tests results, especially when you are so afraid of what the results might be. Blood tests are often performed in pathology (http://www.ilexmedical.com/products.php?id=161) that helps doctor to see a detail view of your body. It helps to identify the root cause of disease, the lacking nutrients and waste products in body. I would like to say that be calm it will be in your favor and you will get effective treatment for disease.