View Full Version : Animal Cruelty

06-05-14, 18:01
Hi just been massively upset by something I have seen, the owners reaction to me and then RSPCAs reaction to me (lol). So I dont know what else to do and tbh suspect there is nothing I can do but I need to get it off my chest and talk about otherwise I will cry and panic due to feeling so helpless.
Just saw a man dragging his dog down the high street, the dog was in obvious distress and pain- he/she was bleed from each paw badly, limping when i got closer it looked like some nails had been pulled out. I talked to the man (very politely and probs quite nervously, was not rude or threatening towards him) and said that I think she needed medical attention please take her to the vet. He became very aggressive - essentially telling me to f-off, his animal he can do what he wants and he walked off quicker dragging her even more. I tried to keep an eye on him and see if i could find out where he lived as i was walking the same way, when he got to a certain street he picked her up and ran :/ I didnt follow of course as I was worried about him being dangerous by this point.
When I got home I rang the RSPCA, I wasnt expecting miracles as yeah I did not know his address, but I could give an accurate description and the likely street he lived on and times etc. The call handler was very unhelpful and told me that they wouldn't do anything unless I found out his exact address and also pointed out that I should be so quick to judge as he might have been taking the dog to the vet O.o.
Anyway sorry for the long post, I really just needed to say all this as I feel completely consumed by guilt for not helping the dog and not being brave enough to follow. Also frustrated by not knowing where to turn.

06-05-14, 18:07
That's awful I'm not surprised you're upset.

Do you know what type of dog it was? Just wondering if it was a certain breed it could've been injured in a fight. If you do suspect dog fighting you could ring the police as this a criminal offence. I once rang the RSPCA about a cat in my area that had a collar on that was far too tight, they were very unhelpful. I contacted them through their website and I had to exaggerate the cats condition to get them to come out. I'm glad I did as the collar was so tight it had left a mark in the cats skin.

I really don't know what more to suggest

06-05-14, 18:14
This must have been awful for you to witness but you did everything you possibly could without endangering yourself. You have no need to feel any guilt as there was nothing more you could do.

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I think you were very brave to approach the man in the first place!

06-05-14, 18:48
The fact that he was aggressive says it all. I'm not sure what I would do in that kind of situation, but I'm glad you confronted him even if nothing came of it. Animal cruelty absolutely disgusts me. I'm sure he will not get away with it if he does that kind of thing in public.

06-05-14, 21:24
Hi Fizzkins, thats awful. Animal/Dog owners who treat their pets like this should be ashamed of themselves and take a look at themselves. He should be dragged along the pavement and see how it feels or be thrown in a prison cell.

As you can see from my picture I'm a dog lover :) I would have called the RSPCA too, you did the right thing even if they couldn't help. It was a very caring thing to do :hugs:

A month ago I was walking my dog and this woman was with 3 dogs, one of them saw my dog and wanted to come over and play but the owner kicked that dog in the side of its body. I was very nervous to say something to her but she quickly left the area with her dogs and I felt guilty not confronting her.

I was shocked and it really upset me :weep: I started crying a little when I got home.

I would never ever harm etc my dog or other peoples dogs or any other animal :) You must be the same too :D

You were very brave confronting the man and you should feel proud of yourself for doing so :)