View Full Version : I have slipped back again

06-05-14, 18:10
Sorry for another essay.

I had a good first few days back from holiday and now I am back to my anxiety again, trying to put things into rational thinking, like we did in group anxiety about symptoms. I think the worst for everything.

I am again checking my poop in the bowl more even though I had scans because I was worried about whether I had bowel cancer last year at 29/30 (no family history) my abdominal pain have gone down a lot, only had a slight pain once but I am anxious about a few things.

I am back on lung cancer worries because of my shoulders, I know from the times I been to the GP something would have been picked up whether I had lung cancer worries (I don't smoke) but probably does not help me being on the PC.

I had a brain scan a few weeks ago, I know follow up letters are common, but if it was serious I would have been called in by now. I do suffer from NF so I need to be monitor with brain scans, so things like bright spots, café au lait marks etc. (I think I will be told when I should have one next, unless I get worrying symptoms sooner.)

I am trying hard not to Google anymore, I been very bad the last few days with daily mail (slaps hand)

I thought I was doing well, with my anxiety, I was fine on holiday, but when I am at home I am more worried about my health.

06-05-14, 18:20
hi its no fun thinking you have bad things it rules your thoughts making it worse. im thinking i will stop breathing becouse ive anxiety and panic attacks. i keep telling myself im still alive so its helping a bit.