View Full Version : I promised myself I wasn't going to do this...

06-05-14, 18:25
But here I am a nervous wreck. I went to the doc about my ongoing sore throat and not bring able to swallow very well, along with sinus congestion Anschluss mucusy throat. Got the call yesterday that I have strep throat and was started on antibiotics. I felt better about that, a reason for my problem and now I'm going to fix it.
Fast forward for today and I am a nervous disaster that my strep is getting worse, my ability to swallow is getting worse and I still can't breathe out of my nose (which I know has nothing to do with strep)
Terrified I'm going to choke or my throat is going to close and I am going to suffocate.
So exhausted but to anxious to even close my eyes.
Another day in paradise...sigh...

06-05-14, 20:52
So some time has passed. How are you now? A key to me not feeling panic is to remember all the times that my situation has passed. I bet your situation passed right?

06-05-14, 21:16
Suck on some hard boiled candies - that should help with the pain. Other than that, Johhny gave yo use good advice

06-05-14, 22:01
Thank you both, I feel crappy but you are right, the panic over it has lessened. Sometimes it just really helps to come here and get it all out to someone who will listen, I really appreciate it!

06-05-14, 22:13
I went to see a homeopath once over the sore throat and it went away with her remedies. I swear by them for the throat. Strep throat can be horrible but I'm sure with your antibiotics and some rest, lots of fluids you will be fine in a few days

B x

06-05-14, 22:34
Amandala, sorry to hear about your sore throat. The good news is you have the antibiotics and will soon be on the mend. Experience has taught me that when I am really sick, my anxiety tends to be a little bit worse. Pretty normal. It sounds like to me that you're handling it fairly well.

Just keep reminding yourself of all the times that you thought that you were going to pass out, or stop breathing, or have a heart attack, etc... They didn't happen, did they? I would try telling myself how happy I am that it is merely strep throat and thankful that the antibiotics will make it all better. See if you can find something to distract yourself. That generally works wonders for me.

Hope you feel better soon.

06-05-14, 23:20
Thank you worry! I hope so! I just have cold symptoms too and my throat really only hurts when I eat (if I can swallow it :) )

And Tanner, thank you so much. I know we were just talking the other day about throat closing in your "can you handle it?" thread. I just need to trust, I can't argue with science and laboratories that I don't have strep even though it doesn't feel like I do. Its funny, because last night I was happy, I have strep, I am going to fix it. Then today it's "OH NO! its gotta be something else and the end is near!!!" whereas I can just say, maybe I do have something in addition to strep but I'm on antibiotics so it will fix that too, this is good!" Like we talked about, I can sit here and wait for something bad to happen or have something bad happen while being productive :)
