View Full Version : New symptoms every day :(

06-05-14, 19:22
Ugh, iv been suffering for a while. Been to the Dr so many times and told its prob anxiety... It can't be..this can't just be anxiety.If I go back they are going to start getting really annoyed with me.
I was at Dr last week complaining of cloudy urine...I thought it was diabetes. They sent away a sample which came back as a UTI. Panic over. They gave me an anti biotic called nitrofurantoin...or something. Well yesterday I took 3, and after the 3rd one my stomach bloated up like a balloon, I was in agony in my lower tummy and back. Phoned Dr this morning and she prescribed me a different anti biotic.
Later on this morning I started noticing red patches appear on my skin, not itchy or anything, and disappeared after a few mins, and tonight I was out for dinner I noticed that my skin feels different in texture. Like softer and thicker. Just weird.
My urine is no longer cloudy, but I just feel odd..still getting twingy pains in my upper back, especially on the right side below my shoulder blade.
Who knows, maybe its just a reaction to the medication...I'm also taking sertroline. But I'm so scared with all these symptoms :(