View Full Version : Doing well..now Freaking out

06-05-14, 19:46
Ive been trying hard with controlling my HA, ive had a chronic cough for nearing 12 months now and ive been convinced its the dreaded C word. Doc thinks its allergies and it may be, so im on new meds and im still suffering but my cough isnt there in the day but is of an evening and morning. Runny nose in the shower which makes me agree that its a post nasal drip. I do have to clear throat so it may be a post nasal drip. (Im trying to be good). I missed a day of meds yesterday and woke up this morning had a shower and my nose was streaming, came out and blew my nose and there was bright red blood, and now ive been freaking out all day about it. My nose does feel funny and stuffy today and i havent used my steroid spray. I just need to get rid of this cough and other symtoms so i can get my life back on track..

I cant believe how just sharing on this forum helps...

06-05-14, 20:02
Have you ever tried. Sinus rinse bottle? I used to suffer from chronic sinus issues until I got one. I use it 2 times a day w warm distilled water when my allergies are a mess or when I feel myself getting sick. They come w salt packets, but if your going to use log term, a trip to a natural food store for a preservative free salt needs to be made. If you search for Neilmed sinus rinse bottle, it is like 15 bucks here in us.

06-05-14, 20:20
Hi stressed32,

Ill have a look out for those, im trying to stay positive and treat the physical without letting my HA take over. Ive diagnosed lung cancer so many times and now i know all the symtoms its easier to slide down the black hole, but i am trying..