View Full Version : Can't get out of bed without 140 bpm

07-05-14, 00:55
I'm at a loss, everyone. My resting heart rate is in the 60s, and it feels quite comfortable. But as of right now, when I try to stand out of bed, my heart jumps to 110-140! I cannot leave my bed now, and when I do have to use the bathroom, I'm forced to scoot along. :(
I went to the ER a few days ago due to this, it causes me to almost faint, and despite my bpm being in the 100s, they simply hydrated me with an IV and sent me home. No diagnosis or anything. I have no insurance, so I don't know how to go about finding out if this is simply health anxiety, or something more actual. I'm 20 and I'm a female, I'm 5'4" and 106 pounds.

Anyone else ever have this happen?

07-05-14, 03:44
110-140 shouldn't be dangerous! People's heart rates jump up to 200 for hours on end and doctors can't do aything but monitor it.
No insurance is difficult and I'm not sure how the american health care system works, but is there no free or reduced price doctors you can go to? Just to check?
You should be fine though, try not to worry!

07-05-14, 04:01
Thank you :)

There's a little 25 dollar clinic near me, but my gosh they are so unprofessional and incompetent. I doubt they even have the proper equipment to check hearts! I've had such bad experiences there. Ack.
I've just been assuming that I've acquired stress and rest induced POTS, but in the worst of times I assume that I have a fatal heart condition because I keep going faint. :doh:

07-05-14, 04:21
That's interesting about your resting heart rate being normal but you have a high rate upon exertion...if not for the low resting rate, I would suspect an overactive thyroid!! Actually, I would ask for a thyroid test anyhow. Your weight is very low for someone your height. When I had hyperthyroid (Graves Disease) I couldn't keep weight on and was exhausted all the time, even though I was eating a lot. My hands were shaky and my heart raced.

If you get tested, make sure they test TSH levels and free T-3 levels.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon:)


07-05-14, 06:59
It's normal for your heart rate to go up when you stand up and move about, your heart has to work extra hard to pump the blood around your body in a new position.

Checking the rate constantly will only heighten your anxiety and cause the rate to go up even higher.

You really need to stop checking it like this, it's doing you more harm than good. And if you truly believe that you have a heart rate issue then you need to speak to your doctor about it.

07-05-14, 10:09
Firstly, stop checking it! - It's probably making you more anxious and that will increase it. As a student nurse, I would be more concerned if your heart rate dropped when you stood up and started moving. Around 140 is only a little bit high and would not overly concern me. Every person is different, and this includes HR. If your heart rate is !continuously! above 120 all the time, I would consult a doctor, but this could just be normal for you. Are you eating anything that may raise your heart rate? coffee? do you smoke?
Try not to worry about it xx

07-05-14, 10:39
Have you had your bloods checked. I am aneamic and my heart rate was the first thing I noticed. Just going upstairs it was racing and felt like it was coming out my chest. I was also breathless, just walking to the end of the garden left me out of breath. I take ferrous sulphate now and feel back to normal. Tis worth getting a simple blood test to check your iron levels.

07-05-14, 17:13
Yeah, when I went to the ER, they took a good bit of blood and only found that I was dehydrated. :(
They also had me hooked up to one of those wires-on-the-chest things. EKG? I can't remember.
The main problem is that my HR doesn't go down! If I'm up, it just stays up and I'm constantly going faint. And I dunno how to schedule docs appointments with no insurance or money. Ughh.

07-05-14, 17:28
sleepy_lady, have you looked into getting onto medicaid? not sure your income, but if it is very low that is always an option.

07-05-14, 17:32
I did! For some reason, they denied me. Even though my current physical state keeps me from having income. It's insane!

07-05-14, 17:35
Wow, that's ridiculous. Our healthcare system really frustrates me ...

07-05-14, 17:35
Even the scary sites will tell you that being dehydrated raises your heart rate,also if you are lying in bed all day then of course your heart rate will go up when you move. Drink lots of fluids and get eating regular as I'm Thinking if your in bed all the time you want be eating,also get moving x

07-05-14, 18:09
It's hard! But thanks for the encouragement, y'all. :)

---------- Post added at 12:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

UPDATE: crawled on my hands and knees to the kitchen to get some food and drink, and that activity alone has my heart racing and pounding. I HATE THIS!!! I don't want to die. :(
I mean, not beating hard only, but POUNDING. I can feel it in my throat now that I'm lying down. This is so hard, I'm trying to be positive, but I just can't make myself believe that this is okay.

07-05-14, 18:11
You are not going to did, when was the last time you ate a meal with carbs and how much water have youdrunk today

07-05-14, 18:13
Oh I eat lots of carbs, I just have to be careful because my heart rate goes really high if I eat a meal too fast. And I keep lots of water and coconut water on me at all times. I'm baffled!
I've lost my appetite lately though, to be fair.