View Full Version : Made me sick?

Fly away Katie
07-05-14, 02:23
Started my first lot of Citalopram today. Doctor gave me 20mg. I took my first tablet about 3 hours ago and I've just been sick.

I should also mention I'm also im taking co-codomal for a current pain (which I also started today after never trying it before)

I also took my contraceptive pill. (As usual)

Please tell me this is normal. I'm sitting here worried like mad.
I also feel a bit dizzy an headachey since being sick.
Thanks Katie xxxx

07-05-14, 03:02
All of the above have made me nauseous before.
I've taken co-codamol before and been fine but a couple of days ago it made me sick. I think it's because I didn't take it with food and I have a pretty sensitive stomach.

If you just feel a bit dizzy etc it could be because you're dehydrated, throwing up, co codamol and hot weather could all contribute to that. Or it could be anxiety. I hope you feel better soon. Definitely talk to your Dr about it xxx

08-05-14, 01:21
Talk to your doctor about maybe starting on a lower dose of cit like 5mg or 10mg and tirate up slowly..good luck