View Full Version : Health OCD?

07-05-14, 12:24
I have I question...

Sometimes I have a thought just before I leave a room, and If I don't do it then I seem to think something bad is going to happen to me.

For example, I will say to myself 'If I don't move my shoes or put them in a different position, I will get cancer' Then I end up moving my shoes just before I leave.

I just wondered if this was classed as OCD? I have health anxiety so just guessed it might be an aspect of that?

08-05-14, 17:45
Hi I would say ocd if you keep repeating it and it upsets you. Easy for me to say but try and not to do your compulsions and just try it out. I hope this helps a little. Your thoughts are upsetting you so your mind finds what you think is the answer to help you. Short time relief.