View Full Version : Needlephobia Worry

07-05-14, 14:20
Good Afternoon,

I got a telephone call from the hospital to tell me that there had been a cancellation and that I would be due to have an operation, in relation to an anal fissure.

However, I am due to go in a day before the operation so that they can carry out checks on my weight/height etc. However, I'm really frightened that one of these tests could be a blood test and I am EXTREMELY needle phobic.

Last time I went for a pre-op, I had to leave because they wanted to draw blood - in the end, they decided they didn't need a sample of my blood, but that's another issue.

Furthermore, I feel I am out of control at the moment - I don't want to go in for my pre-op and have a blood test as the very thought of it, frightens the absolute life out of me. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate my fears?

I don't want to waste anybody's time - I understand a fissure is a serious matter but if I say I don't want a blood test, can I be forced to have one? Can they put me out whilst drawing blood with gas or something along those lines so I am not awake when they do it? I am so worried about this.

Any help much appreciated.


07-05-14, 14:44
I too have a needle phobia, though it doesn't sound near as extreme as yours. I still manage to get blood tests, injections etc, but the thought/image of needles makes me feel very sick and when i get such a thing I usually feel incredibly faint.

Perhaps call them and ask if a blood test will be necessary - it might not be and you'll be worrying all for nothing. If it is, explain your situation. I'm sure your not the first person to come through their doors with a needle phobia and they might be able to make it more comfortable for you!

Sometimes before those things, I'll pinch my skin really hard. Usually I work myself up so much that when I get it, it's much less painful than I thought it would be. I close my eyes and go to my happy place lol

good luck!!! Needles are not the most enjoyable things ever

07-05-14, 15:32
Thanks - I couldn't even bring myself to get the procedure done, that's how bad I am. I just have a terrible phobia of needles. I'd have to walk out because I can't handle it. Even watching such things on the television etc. makes me very uncomfortable - I had a major panic attack one time there was no warning of needles etc. I will ring them and ask them because I don't want to go in unprepared.

07-05-14, 16:37
They can never force you into anything but you might find they need to do it to treat you. If you tell them you have a phobia they will probably be very understanding, never be afraid to ask what your options are :)
I have a phobia too. Nurses and Drs, while perhaps frustrated have always been really nice about it. I've tried to get injections done but I panic too much. I don't want to be like that I just can't control it yet. I'm thinking of putting myself through gradual exposure therapy for it or having hypnotherapy.

Hope you sort it all out xxx

07-05-14, 16:43
I don't like needles, I tend to shut my eyes and when I feel the needle go in I do say bad words under my breath.

07-05-14, 23:11
No needles for me - I'd rather live with the fissure but at the same point of token, wouldn't want to waste anyone's time. I can't handle needlework of any sort.

07-05-14, 23:27
Here's the thing...

Surgery, especially surgery that will require general anesthesia will require blood work, IV's etc. No way around that. Even surgery under a local for numbing requires a stick. No way around that either. However, they can give you something to make it that you fall asleep or just don't care what they do. You just need to ask.

But, to be worried about the pain of a fissure and the bleeding from it in conjunction of being too afraid of treating it due to a needle makes it difficult at best to advise you. You can decide to do nothing and live with the consequences or decide to bite the bullet, face this fear head on and treat it. The doctors are there to help you, not hurt you.

Positive thoughts

08-05-14, 11:54
Thanks for the reply. I've had an op before and that didn't require blood work. In fact, I've had a few and there was no need for blood work. I fought my corner on my last op and they relented. I don't cause irritation knowingly. I just fight for what I believe in. I just know needle work is not for me because of my intense fear.

11-08-14, 00:15
I know exactly how you feel! In the same position, unfortunately I'm needed to have a blood test done and have actually gone in 3 times to have it done and ended up not being able to cope. Although the last time I had a huge panic attack and had to be wheeled out if the room :l

You said you've had an operation before? Was this being knocked out? Just wondering how you felt about that too? As this seems to be another thing that petrifies me!

14-09-15, 09:51
Hello Everybody

I really don't know if I am doing this right, but here it goes. I have a case of extreme needle phobia. When I was 6 years old I had a blood test and I was absolutely fine with that, until a nurse warned me that "if you move, the needle will break in your arm and you will die". I can't have any blood tests without me completely closing my veins of pure stress. I have completely left and ignored any illness I have in case it involves a blood test or needles.

I am now due to have a operation for a vasectomy under a general anaesthetic, and went to pre op. Which I was so scared that I had to be dragged in by my wonderful fiancé in case they wanted a blood test. And was told that i need a Canula in the back of my hand I am in tears just thinking about it. I want to overcome these fears but don't know how as it has been 30 years since I first saw that nurse. Help needed

14-09-15, 10:52
Just ring them and tell them of your extreme phobia and they can give you drugs beforehand. They need to know as this will make your appt much longer and you have to stay there while the drug wears off. IF you just turn up and freak they can do nothing as they don't have the time.

I have mega medical phobia mostly relating to blood pressure taking but needles comes a close second. I now take my own home blood pressure readings with me for previous few days and ask them to use them. With blood tests or any other needle proceedure I always have it done laid down as i will faint and always say if you can't get the blood/ cannula in straight away then stop and wait before trying again to give me time to recover.