View Full Version : 1 month CIT!!!

07-05-14, 16:05
Today is not a good day at all!! I'm having random pains in the left part of my body, i get short of breath, dizziness, i just dont feel myself at all, im really on edge like something is going to happen and i will be in the Er once again!!
But i do feel way better then the first 2 weeks on cit!
I just want to feel normal again!
I'm having thought of a heart attack again or that something is just plain wrong!!
My doctor is in the next town about 35 mins away and im in the process of find one thats 5 mins cause i just feel the need to go to the doc every time i feel this way :weep::ohmy:

07-05-14, 17:20
It can take a little while eve for your body to settle on cit but after 4 weeks you wont be far off now :)

07-05-14, 18:27
thank you! :D
i need to hear stuff like that to keep me motivated !!

07-05-14, 19:10
Yes, absolutely. :) Hang in there, Eve!

07-05-14, 19:13

08-05-14, 01:20
hang in there Eve..I had a much better day yesterday, then a crappy one today, but before I never had a halfway good day..So, it will get better..We are here for you..:hugs:

08-05-14, 01:32
Today was better then yesterday!!!
but yes we have to stick together!!!

08-05-14, 08:37
I totally agree with you eve, together we are stronger:hugs:

08-05-14, 09:57
It took me 2months to start feeling better, still i have bad days too and some side effects, so its different for everyone..

08-05-14, 15:30
Yes everything is different for everyone, I'm so ready to feel better!!

08-05-14, 19:55
I can't stand this vibrating feeling inside and the nervous feeling in my lower abdomen. It is making me crazy..On Tuesday I did not feel it at all and was so happy..I thought I was on my way..But it only lasted one day..Does anyone else have these feelings on cit...please

08-05-14, 20:13
No, but i do have neck shaking sometimes when i turn my head!