View Full Version : advice please?

07-12-06, 14:32
Hi, everyone.

I've been on Zoloft for about 9 months and it's working pretty well. No major melt downs or anything. I was alsoon ativan for awhile and still keep it for emergencies. The ativan is highly addictive, so I prefer not to take it often, but in major attacks, it is a godsend. I got so I was taking 3-5 of them a week, though, and so I started using Bach's Rescue Remedy about a month ago. Since I started using the rescue remedy, I have only taken 3 ativan (yay!) and I'm doing pretty well.

So my question is this: should I try life without Zoloft? Or maybe I shouldn't poke the sleeping dog. I know this is a question for my dr., but my dr. gave me the Zoloft because I wanted it. Not really a lot of doctoring going on there. Does anyone have an opinion on this?