View Full Version : I'm glad i'm not alone

07-05-14, 16:44
Hi All,

I feel an instant relief finding this website knowing there are more people like me.
My name is maddy and I have been suffering from severe panic attacks for the last 2 to 3 years.
The attacks are mainly being afraid about losing people and dying. I have always found myself getting scared being away on my own in public places and have actually ran out of M&S in a panic once ( at lunch I felt such an idiot :( ) as it just became too much.
I have a very low and dark way of thinking, and most of what pops into my head, ends with death or something very traumatic. there is nothing i can do to stop this, and it has taken over my life.
My days are filled with fear and I have stopped driving as I have gotten scared of fainting whilst being on the motorway in my car.

Most of the time I feel very negative and I cannot talk to my siblings about it as i'm just too embarrassed. I am meant to be the strong one in the family.
God only knows how it would make me feel if they knew i'm scared of everything :( .

I have been given a clean bill of health from the doctor and given sertraline to take the edge off. Although i'm now a tiny more relaxed than before, I still get these totally erratic thoughts of being in danger all the time.

I would just love to be a normal ( normal as in not being scared all the time ) person and be able to live my life again.

07-05-14, 17:06
Hi Maddy, welcome to NMP. I can relate to most of what you are feeling. You will get plenty of support here. Have you had CBT to help you?

07-05-14, 17:15
Hi and :welcome: to the site

07-05-14, 17:37
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

08-05-14, 14:32
hi annie0904

Unfortunately the waiting list is months rather than weeks. I would literally do anything to feel better so I'm desperate to get some counselling.

08-05-14, 15:01
Try this free online course http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696 it helped me a lot.