View Full Version : were did it come from panic i was only washing my dishes

07-05-14, 17:45
I was not even aware that body was getting tense but did go dizzy a few times why washing the dishes then my neck was tight my shoulder tight the whole of back was tense and aching so I am thinking was that already that tense when I wz aware of all this I began to feel very panicky indeed like now trying to take a deep breath and all that malarky that we do worn getting panicky got legache now as well with all the tension

07-05-14, 18:09
When you work out where It came from let us know I'm sure it would be a revelation for us allx

07-05-14, 18:42
Panic is weeeiiird sometimes. I once ate too much birthday cake and then had a panic attack because I realised that chickens walk identically to how dinosaurs did. Funny stuff.

07-05-14, 18:51
Lol u would think after being a suffer for forty yes it should not scare me but it as I am still feeling very tense and shaky Ihzf my first panic attack at age of 12 now 58 I bet I have been life,e this at one time wen I was having a panic attack I do believe subconciouly I am. Stressing about my husband going away for two days next week and he is my safety person sad into it a full grown women can't stay home alone XXX

08-05-14, 09:02
I was the same as you the other week stressing about my husband going overseas for 8 days. I'm also a lady of a certain age whose had first panic attack as a child so yes you'd think we would have learnt by now lol. I got myself in a right state about it with tears and high anxiety but when he actually went I was fine. Focused on relaxing and being able to eat when I felt like it and watch what I wanted on TV :D I then stressed big time about having to drive to the airport in the middle of the night to pick him up! I hadn't driven for a year and hate night time driving so understandable really. But that was all fine too even though it was foggy. I think we are just our own worst enemy as my mum used to say. :) Enjoy your time alone and maybe give yourself a little treat :) x

08-05-14, 10:25
Bottle of wine take away, box of choccys(big box) friends round and and chill.