View Full Version : Why can't i believe what im told?

07-05-14, 18:23
Last month i had a FBC taken and was returned all fine apart from a slightly raised ESR marker of 31 and told nothing much to worry about just repeat in 4 weeks time.

Fast forward to yesterday when i called to get my second lot of blood tests and told by the receptionist that i need to book a routine appointment with the DR at this point i was thinking all sorts! I asked why and she said my ESR was still slightly raised but at 25 this time. The earliest they could see me was Monday Morning!

She must have heard that i got myself into a state because after booking me the appointment i had a DR on the phone and she said that a rate of 25 was only very mildly raised still and she wasn't concerned, she said i did not need to come in for my appointment with the DR or have another blood test done if i didn't want one, i asked her if i needed one and she said no she didn't think it was necessary.

So why can i not be happy with this? why am i still getting myself all up the wall and looking on google ( i know this is the worst thing i can possibly do ) as it talks about auto immune disorders and that dreaded big C
I can't even bring myself to cancel the appointment either, i feel so pathetic and im sure my husband is getting to the end of his tether with me :(


07-05-14, 18:37
I think our constant worrying makes us more prone to small things causing us to worry largely. You can join me in what I'm calling "happy therapy"! My idea is that if people like me and you regularly partake in forms of entertainment that fully distract us and bring us joy, we will begin healing, and our anxiety wound will be able to heal, and thus we would be more able to accept good news.

I hope you're able to feel calm!

07-05-14, 20:51
It's hard because receptionists aren't medical professionals, so they can't really interpret blood results like a doctor can. But it is lower than the last time, so I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Your doctor would have you come in if there was any issue at all.

08-05-14, 08:02
Thanks Both of you, I keep trying to replay the phone conversation in my mind and her words of 'i'm not worried'.

Im going to cancel the Drs appointment today because i have to believe what she told me, i need to try my hardest to get a grip on the way im feeling and work to overcome it.


08-05-14, 11:04
Every time I've had a blood test, at least one, usually two or three results have been raised. It usually indicates a need to make lifestyle adjustments, not a marker of imminent death.

08-05-14, 15:19
Thanks hanshan, I have been over that in my mind to be honest as the marker that is raised can be elevated in obese people and yep I'm pretty overweight!

Have decided this is the kick up the backside I needed and have joined weight watchers, hopefully I can take back control and get things sorted.
Trying my hardest now not to focus on it to much


08-05-14, 15:25
If it has come down then it must be nothing - i think people here in the past have reported theirs being in the hundreds

08-05-14, 22:34
Cariad, sounds like a win-win to me! You have got the gentlest of possible little heads-up that is tied to your weight, which, happily, is something you can take steps to control. You go girl! :yesyes: