View Full Version : Clueless Heart or Head

07-05-14, 21:31
So I have been great for ages and had no need to post on here until now!
For a few days I have felt a pressure in my chest and been suffering pains in my left arm and left shoulder at the back also suffering with heavy feelings in my chest and dont understand whats going on, I went to the doctors and my blood pressure was 131/95 so the diastolic is high so of course I am worrying even more that its something to do with my heart.
helpppppppppp has anyone felt like this before??
Im also hating my job a the moment so dont know whether this is causing more stress than I need right now, but dont wanna put it down to stress and something bad happen im only 27 and im overweight and smoke.

07-05-14, 22:21
Im sure hundreds of us have felt that before, including myself. First of all 131/95 is hardly high at all, especially considering you were in the doctors office and you are very anxious at the moment which probably made it higher than it usual is.

If you are still worried go back to the doctor and ask for some more tests but if they think you are healthy than most of the time they are correct but like I say if your still unsure you could go back and let them know about your worries.

Also if you are overweight and smoke then if you really are that worried about your health and believe your unwell then would you really still be smoking? Cut that out if you can.

Hating your job is probably stressing you out like you said and may well be causing these health worries. Try chill out and not dwell on this stuff all day every day and if you are not feeling any better go back to the docs.

Take care.