View Full Version : Having to do something + anxiety = Panic!

07-12-06, 16:17
So my question is this...

When you know you HAVE to do something for someone, does that bring on panic?
For example, i HAVE to collect my niece from playgroup tomorrow at midday. Now the playgroup is minutes from my house and on a normal day if i just got in the car i could go there with NO worries, but because someone is relying on me to do it, its already causing me anxiety.


I could give a million other examples but i am sure you get the idea
Thanks for your replies in advance :)

SarahC x

07-12-06, 16:21
Yes - it's the 'can't get out of it' curse. Just keep busy and don't think about it if you can.

And have a choccie waiting for youself when you have completed the task as a treat x

07-12-06, 17:19
Hi Sarah,

Thats exactly the same with me,if theres pressure to do something i get myself into a right state but if i can do it at my own leisure i'm okay and i can do a lot more.

My advice is just do it anyway,but thats a lot easier said than done i know and it'll be over before you know it.

Take care,Candie xxxxxxxxx

07-12-06, 18:06
Hi Sarah,

I am not agoraphobic at all but I do feel pressure when I know I need to do something outside of my daily routine. Maybe it is because I am just that kind of person where I don't like things unusual to happen. Some of the time the pressure is I worry if I will forget because most of the time my day is spent at home as I am a stay at home mom. For whatever reason I can relate. I keep a daily calendar and look at it every day and write appointments on it to keep track of my schedule. When things do come up I do my best not to stress out about it and tell myself routines are made to be broken. I hope this helps.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

07-12-06, 18:22
know the feeling well as I've got it at the moment, Hubby is going out to a works do and I am responsible for the kids by myself, they are not even kids any more 17 & 13 quite capable of looking after themselves, but the feeling of responsability is overwhelming, I've been panicking all day about 2night, I know once he goes and it won't be as bad as I've been thinking, thoughts are usually alot worse than the action. So hang in there you will manage fine 2morrow, it won't be half as bad as your thoughts have made it out to be.


07-12-06, 22:02
hi Sarah
now what you mean love why do people have to ask us to do things for them arrgh! why cant they just piss of and leave us gad panic stricken poor sods alone they dont understand m8 do they sending empathy and hugs your way babe!

lisa p
08-12-06, 12:18
HI Sarah,

Know that feeling only too well!

I am like this, my sister has asked me to look after her little boy on Tuesday next week and I'm already feeling sick with panic. The hypnotist I have been seeing has advised me to do the following

When somebody asks me to do something, ie help at the school xmas sale, collect their child from school etc, I am not to say yes straight away, but to say I might be able to, I will have to wait until the day to see how I am feeling, and if they fully understand then that will be ok.

This then takes the pressure off. I tried this last week because I'd been pushed into helping at the xmas sale, so I phoned the lady and explained and said I was sorry but I couldnt commit myself until the day, I felt better immediately!

Hope this helps


08-12-06, 12:51
Hi all..

I did the collecting thing just fine! Although my little niece cried and didn't want to come with me...lol I said to her "right, i'm off"...she soon ran after me bless her.

This morning at 9 i met my sister there so the playgroup people knew my face and my sister left me with the little job of paying the bill for her. I waited for 20 minutes until i was seen. It was fine though :)
Sometimes we freak out for nowt.
My niece is here with me now waiting for mummy to finish work.
Thank you for all your support!
I'll need it again next Friday...lol

Sarah x

08-12-06, 13:00
I'm just the same!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-12-06, 13:34
Well done Sarah.... big pat on the back.

10-12-06, 16:42
First of all Congratulations!!!

I know how you feel. My aunt has to pick my daughter up from school then meet me at the corner where the crowds have dispersed. If she can't do it, well, it's not a pretty sight!

One thing I find helps is to say to myself, well, I HAVE to eat, I HAVE to go to the toilet, I HAVE to get dressed - these things don't make me panic, so why treat anything else differently? When I'm taking the 5minute walk to my daughter's school, I use my personal stereo and listen to either relaxing music or a teach yourself Italian CD that I've got. Before I know it, I'm there.

And remember how good you feel once you've done it - and how bad you feel when you give in and stay int he house. Keep that good feeling in mind, and look forward to having it once the job is done.

You did it - and you can do it again. Reward yourself, you deserve it.

Anna xxx

Granny Primark
10-12-06, 18:23
Well done sarah!!!
Last week my hubby asked me to drop him off at the place where i had my first p.a. He didnt ask me until i was in the car. If id known about it any earlier im sure i wouldnt have been able to do it. The anticipation is far far worse than doing the thing.

Take care

10-12-06, 21:04
Thank you :)