View Full Version : Do you feel like you are dying?

08-05-14, 09:55
I feel like i am slowly dying and nobody realises!

I have an increasing list of symptoms and pain since May last year

Neck pain
Swollen glands
Spine pain
Stomach pain

On top of this I am feeling anxious mostly about my stomach pain because I am STILL waiting for a referral for an endoscopy nobody can tell me how long it's going to be!

I've started taking rennies and gaviscon daily which help but don't understand why I can't just be normal fit and healthy!!!

08-05-14, 09:59
Darren, all of those symptoms are anxiety ones... I know this is hard to hear but it's true.
I know what it feels like to think you are dying, many on NMP feel the same. If these symptoms were serious you would be dead after having them for a year!

You will be fine... try some online CBT.


08-05-14, 10:05
i know they could be but it doesnt make sense to me. i have been so much calmer lately and getting on with my life but the symptoms are not disappearing :(

is that normal?

08-05-14, 10:13
Darren totally normal.

Go back and read your posts re your neck and you should see a pattern.


08-05-14, 10:22
Hello Darren,

I will turn 60 this year, and I KNOW I am slowly dying. On average about half of the people my age will be gone approximately 23 years from now, and I may be one of them.

Do I worry? Not at all. I've given up caring about myself. My only hope is that I can pass something on of value to following generations.

08-05-14, 10:54
I feel many of the things you are feeling too. I feel like nobody is listening to me when I say I'm seriously Ill. I feel seriously Ill. I havnt had a proper nights sleep for weeks, my mouth is so dry that I'm always drinking but it doesn't help much. Iv got upper back ache and feel like there is something running through my body...I'm sure of it. Everyone keeps saying 'its anxiety' ... I really don't think it is. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this!

08-05-14, 13:46
I feel the same too. I'm 18 and I don't seem to be getting anywhere with doctors and I keep having heart flutters and aches, and chest aches and catches of breath that make me dizzy and panicky.
I am trying so hard to be optimisic, to do everything I can and be strong regardless but the anticipation of not knowing is immense.
I guess this is life. We get sick and we die. Some old. Some young. Some before they're born. It is just hard to come to terms with and can be so scary.
I have moments where I'm fine and do not worry. Moments where I have symptoms and do not worry. Moments where I have symptoms and am just resigned to dying at any moment. Moments where I have symptoms and am determined to fight for my life. And moments where I am so incredibly scared and feel very alone and useless.
But this is the human condition.
We all have a disease and it's called being alive.
I think the best thing we can do is not to care if we live or die too much. Stop caring about ourselves.
But alas, even as I type this I am still scared and self grasping and planning what I'm going to do tomorrow. If I should book an appointment at my doctors to demand an x-ray and echocardiogram. And quickly. Or just wait it out. Let it happen.
It's been 4 months and it's very tiring. It is ver difficult to stay stay strong the face death and even more so in the face of living in fear and pain for a very long time. Real or percieved.
I hope you find happiness. Through getting better or otherwise.

08-05-14, 14:04
2013 I thought I was dying because of my abdominal pain, I thought I had bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, penile cancer etc. I had scans late 2012 ultrasound, ct scan of abdominal, mri scan abdominal, nuclear scan and camera up the backside which I did not enjoyed it was painful.

Like others have said if it was serious and the big c word you would be more likely serious ill, probably unable to post, in hospital and possibly not with us.

08-05-14, 14:05
In reply to your first post... yes, these symptoms can go on for a very long time. If you really want to get this checked go to your Dr. However, If your Dr says you are fine then you must accept that this is anxiety and try to deal with it by looking into CBT etc.

Believe me I am not cured of my anxiety having suffered for 14 yrs.... but with all my symptoms which I believe are life threatening I am still here:)

08-05-14, 14:55
In reply to your first post... yes, these symptoms can go on for a very long time. If you really want to get this checked go to your Dr. However, If your Dr says you are fine then you must accept that this is anxiety and try to deal with it by looking into CBT etc.

Believe me I am not cured of my anxiety having suffered for 14 yrs.... but with all my symptoms which I believe are life threatening I am still here:)

do u have symptoms at the moment sarah?

Worried 24/7
08-05-14, 19:11
I've been having the same symptoms as you and freaking out as well.

08-05-14, 20:22
Everyday..... but they are not so severe at the moment