View Full Version : c-b-t not working for me!

08-05-14, 11:31
hi, im on to my 6th session of cbt which i was referred to by my gp after i told them id been abused when i was 14,but never told anyone its been my big secret for obvious reasons,ive also spoken to victim support who also suggested c-b-t,the counsellor is a nice person who listens to me and im able to tell him things ive bottled up for years,but in all fairness im getting nothing from it apart from someone to talk too,im unable to put the work done so far into practise,im still scoring high points on the score sheet i have to fill in every session,do i just stick it out until the end,ive got 3-4 appointments left,i dont want him to think im wasting his time and begrudging some other patient of this treatment.i have attempted suicide on several occasions and know ill get it right before much longer

08-05-14, 11:37
Maybe intense Psychotherapy would work better for you. Ask your doctor or ask your counsellor. I am sure the counsellor will not be offended if you tell him you need something more intense. It was actually my counsellor who decided she was not qualified enough to deal with my problems and referred me for the Intense Psychotherapy.

08-05-14, 13:22
Having used the on-line CBT course here, I equate it to a work-out. Like weight training or any fitness program, one doesn't immediately see results. You get sore so you know you're doing something but it takes time and consistent effort to benefit from the results.

CBT is much like that. There are exercises that must become habits in order for your mind to grow stronger. It requires a concerted long term and perhaps lifetime effort in order to see and maintain the changes. And just like physical fitness, if you stop, you can digress and lose what you've worked so hard to attain.

Positive thoughts.

08-05-14, 21:55
Annie0904. thanks for your response much appreciated,ive never even heard of Intense Psychotherapy,but ill mention it to him tomorrow when i see him.
Fishmanpa. again thanks,i get what your saying and your right,but im struggling to put it into practice,and know ill fall back into my old ways,but i want the abuser to suffer and maybe i can get some relief from that.