View Full Version : Nausea every day

08-05-14, 13:42
In the 3d month of cit, anyone has this? Im sick of it, also cannot stand the sunlight, i really pray for the day when ill feel good without pills... One day... Maybe...

08-05-14, 22:40
What's your dose Dafni?

I am at 5-6 months and it made me feel sick until quite recently.

Have you tried taking before a meal?

09-05-14, 09:36
Its 20,Marty...when i eat its better

---------- Post added at 08:36 ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 ----------

I take it at 8pm and the next day nausea, not every day but pretty often..

09-05-14, 12:28
20 is a fair dose - I remember feeling nauseous on 10mg (and I now take 40mg)

You should find in time that you feel a lot better, that said I do occassionally still feel sick after taking it.

09-05-14, 13:48
Thank you for your replies Marty, i will continue taking it, it helped me, maybe i will take it an year..

10-05-14, 17:16
Just started on citralopram 5days ago.side effects are debilitating at the mo.nausea sweats jittery .surely these will ease off soon.any tips on how to manage these?

11-05-14, 12:01
With most people they settle down within a month, but i still have side effects... I hope it ll work for you better.

12-05-14, 16:55
Hi, Dafni and Yv! Some people say that avoiding caffeine helps with the sweats and jitters. I've cut down to just the one coffee in the morning, when I'm still sleepy. :noangel: I found slow deep breathing really helped a lot, a suggestion I got on here. Breathe in slowly through your nose to a count of 4, hold for one or two counts, then breath out slowly to a count of 6. Do this a few times, and a number of times a day. As for the nausea, it really works for me to take my pill after a good-sized meal, and to eat often throughout the day. I'll take mine after a bowl of oatmeal with fruit or else eggs and toast, then have a piece of toast or a banana mid-morning. I'll have a properly portioned lunch, (a big salad with a little protein or an approximate of a small dinner if I'm having other protein and carbs.) A healthy snack mid-afternoon is also important. We always eat dinner by 6 pm, and I may also have a snack around 7:30 if I feel like popcorn or some dried fruit. ... At the moment, I'm trying to shift my proteins moreso to mornings and lunchtime, and carbs later on. This is to try to facilitate the production of serotonin in my brain, as carbs help with this. Not going to do it forever, I'm giving it a month to boost the serotonin as my SNRI gets going. Just something I found in a psychology today article, sounds like it'll help :winks:

Do at least eat with the pill/tablet/capsule, and often and lightly thereafter all day. Do try the slow counted deep breaths for the jitters. Good luck, hope you feel better soon, hunnis! :hugs:

12-05-14, 17:54
Thank you Marie for the advice, im eating more often than before now, mayve thats why they say you gain weight on cit, i ll try the breathing too, this pill really makes me feel not well, but i cant stop it now, i tried once and it went bad.

12-05-14, 20:04
Hello all.

Just started cit three days ago. Have been completely tired out since taking and the nausea too, is hard to contend with. That said...it comes and goes and perhaps it's psychosomatic but I do feel in slightly better spirits.

12-05-14, 20:33
The anxiety made me feel very sick .lost three stone(not a bad thing)not on any tablets but trainer helped me change my diet.no sugar and defo no cafeine,it does eventually help but it's hard keep going

12-05-14, 23:20
Carol, you're so right about diet, it's so key. I did an elimination diet and it was amazing how much it helped me! I don't have to take anything for IBS anymore, because I found out what were my triggers for it, and don't eat them! For a month. No sugar, no caffeine, soy, dairy, gluten or corn. You know, it's funny about caffeine and sugar, deep-down we know how they made us feel when we first started having them years ago - sick, right?? Same with alcohol, anybody who has ever had more than one or two drinks can tell you that! But we pooh-pooh that using them can have any effect on our wellbeing today, including mental wellbeing! What's up with that? Lol! :roflmao:
Glad to hear you've made such great strides with anxiety. Good advice, as we DO NOT need sugar or caffeine to survive. No matter how our mind tries to convince us, ha ha!
Marie xx