View Full Version : tiredness & lightheadedness

08-05-14, 13:53
since saturday i have been feeling unusally tired but not enough to actually sleep and also light headed

have been eating etc and wondering if this was simply panic as i know my BP is raised as got checked in chemist and was 160/95 but have been stressed abit recently

15-06-14, 19:04
I have been feeling really tired lately too & have bouts of lightheadedness. I have just had my iron levels checked though & although not anaemic I am on the lower end of normal so wondering if this is why. So might be worth getting your iron levels checked but could also be anxiety, your body fighting off a virus or even the weather!!

21-06-14, 17:17
Fatigue and lightheadedness are common. I get fatigue daily. 8+ hours sleep makes no difference. Lightheaded isn't so nice. Dizziness etc etc. But you have to persevere. Fearing symptoms will just make them worse and last longer. Just let them be and focus on your day to day as best you can.
