View Full Version : Acid reflux

08-05-14, 18:14
I have been dealing with acid reflux for over nine months now I have been on a lot of different medication pantoprazole I Metrazol Zantac except trap #had worked I am due to have an endoscopy in two weeks not looking forward to it but I guess it has to be done The symptoms I have been having have been gradually getting worse most days it doesn't matter what I eat I get horrific burning pain in my usually my left shoulder blade sometimes it is on the right and if I press on it makes it worse my doctor told me this is acid by heart can't but help think it's some sort of heart issue I am terrified of having a heart attack because every pain I feel I think it's related to the heart people say stop worrying is just muscle pain or acid reflux but I have become such a hypochondriac I can't deal with any more the subtlest pain I get I automatically think of my heart I do not have mental health issues but I'm starting to think I do LOL

08-05-14, 18:44
I did a good long reply and it chucked it grrr LOL yours sounds just like acid reflux no probs