View Full Version : new member with health anxiety

08-05-14, 19:09
Hi everyone have just joined The forum after a very worrying last week, will try to keep the story as short as possible.
Starts about 2 or 3 months ago when someone I know just a few years older than me (I'm 32) became ill which eventually caused heart failure, it seems it was missed by doctors at first. It was quite a shock at the time but I don't remember worrying about it in regards to my own health.
Then about 3 weeks back I started getting occasional random twinges in various parts of my chest, not severe and not lasting more than a second, felt it was weird but didn't think much of it.then last week at work started to notice them more often and started to feel more of an ache in my chest, lasting longer but again not severe at all. Started to worry and Google heart issues and got myself quite worked up before I went to the doctor a week ago today. He Knew I was worried but Checked me over and said I was fine, heart rate was a bit high at 98 but then I said I was worried and tried to relax and it dropped to 88 quite quickly. He said it was muscular which I didn't get because it wasn't hurting when I moved or restricting me. He booked me an ecg just to be sure but wasn't scheduled for another week.
I was still worried so went to a&e that afternoon, did an ecg, x ray and blood test which all came back fine, and that it might just be muscular but not behaving in the normal way. This put my mind at rest to an extent but didn't stop me worrying and Googleing all sorts Of things. Sunday I rested and felt a lot less achey until the evening when I visited some family and it started acheing again and my left arm was feeling really weak. This was the same the next day so off to the doctor again, had also developed some lightheadedNess and a cough so I Googled that as a symptom of heart failure and it turned out it can be. The doc at first said go Back to a & e because I had already been there but after testing the strength in my arm and my balance and it all being fine she suggested maybe it was because of Worry. Tried to stop but
Was no Different so went back on Wednesday when doc number 3 said it could be health anxiety not helped by my friends illness. Felt Ok after this until I washed my car in the afternoon and felt a real lack of energy, I had thought to myself it would be a good test of whether I could do some exercise which didn't help but still made me worry again. Googled some more and realised I could have been having palpitations as well, just slightly feeling my heart beat at times after walking maybe upstairs or longer 5 minute walk to a friends house, not really sure as I wasn't taking much notice until last night. Also remember feeling a heavy beat at times in the past after high exercise. So Doc has checked me again and doing blood Tests for anemia and diabetes because of the lack of energy but doesnt think it will show anything up, and nor do I, am only worried about my heart and she reassured me Again that my heart is fine and gave me some propranolol to help the palpitations. I haven't took any yet as I am going on holiday on Saturday with my girlfriend and I don't want any of the side effects to come on and ruin it all or even make some of my symptos worse. Have been so worried about this affecting my holiday either through feeling ill or worried and ruining it for my girlfriend too. Am Feeling calmer now so Would it be ok to not take them or could the palpitations be dangerous ? Got a little worried earlier as went for a walk for a few minutes feeling quite calm and when I got home felt my heart beating just slightly, is this or everything else I said about my heart beat sound normal or are they palpitations ?
Does all this sound familiar as an anxiety problem and can it really cause these symptoms ?

Just want to feel well again I hate feeling light headed and having a lack of energy.

Thank you for any replies and your time reading my mammoth post

08-05-14, 19:48
Hi and welcome I am pretty new to the forum also. I would say it is mainly down to anxiety but obviously get your heart checked out for peace of mind. Stress and worry can do many things mainly make you feel very ill e.g fast heart rate,very tired etc... I have had it for years I am now 47 but I live with it and cope the best way I can. Mild exercise to start with can burn away those negative energies. I think you need to THINK of having the best time on holiday with your girlfriend and to make her happy, then your thoughts on yourself will disperse.
Good luck
Anne :hugs:

08-05-14, 19:55
Thank you very much for your reply. Have already had it checked so know I need to keep telling myself it's ok and am feeling better with that side of it but it's so hard to tell your head what to think. Only realised I could be having palpitations yesterday and now today I feel like I can feel it beating all the time

08-05-14, 20:52
Glad your medical side is sorted out pleased for you. The trick is to learn a panic attack won't kill you and it will pass bare with it. I myself could not walk on my own anywhere I use to tense up and could not walk for shaking so much but I taught myself a trick-stop look at something else and it would pass ( I basically diverted my attention to something else) then start again and keep repeating.
Best of luck to you and keep smiling there are worse of people like your unfortunate friend.x

08-05-14, 21:20
Yes I really do feel for him and anyone with a condition like it. I have also been given a small idea just how horrible anxiety can be as some of the things I have read about it are heartbreaking. I'm not sure if I am having panic attacks as such, I have spells where I am really worrying and can't think of anything else but don't think my symptoms particularly coincide with it, they come and go ? Am I safe to try and control it without taking the medication for palpitations. If I can't feel my heart does that mean it isn't beating too fast

17-05-14, 18:26
Hi everyone just come back from holiday, really helped clear my head and spent the whole week at rest and really feeling comfortable that I am fine. But last night I woke up a little while after going to bed and for a few seconds it felt hard to breathe, not gasping or panicking but just more the feeling that my body didn't want to breathe. After a few seconds it goes and I'm fine. Have had it a couple of other times in the past couple of weeks but they were when I woke up in the morning but again just for a few seconds. Does this sound a normal thing or something related to my recent worrying bearing in mind I had felt really good for nearly a week ?

Thank you

17-05-14, 18:38
Distraction is one of the best anxiety fighting remedies there is. The fact that you felt fine over the holiday is proof of that. Returning home and to the stimuli that triggered the initial events confirms it as well.

There's a free CBT course here that is worth the download and read. As it sounds you're in the beginning stages of this, it may be useful in nipping this in the bud.

Check it out here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665

Positive thoughts

17-05-14, 18:49
Just wanted to say HELLO!!!!

Ive been on this sight a few months and it has helped me so much!!

17-05-14, 18:51
Thank you so much for your reply. Really thought I had got myself past it but last night was my last night away so yes it may have bought back some thoughts. Most of my other symptoms like fatigue and light headedness disappeared within a day of being away.

Thanks again

19-05-14, 15:06
Been doctors again just to let them know about the waking up issue. He didn't even examine me and just said it must be down to anxiety. I am still getting the original pains here and there in my chest which I know is genuine as that is what started all this off, I wasn't worried when they started. Plus I have had this dry tickly cough with no other cold like symptoms for 2 weeks now. Just feel like now they have this anxiety idea they are just going to keep saying that And I'm at a dead end.
Do these sound like anxiety related symptoms or am I right to question the doctors?

19-05-14, 23:03
Anyone have any thoughts?