View Full Version : Exam. Advice please!

08-05-14, 21:23
Hi. I have a college exam tomorrow so this may be a bit late, but I am so worried incase I start to panic during the exam I can feel myself starting to panic already. I was never worried about school exams so this is strange for me.

Does anyone have any tips for me?

Thank you !

08-05-14, 21:27
If you can get to a chemist before the exam you could try Bach rescue Remedy. I used it to get through exams.

08-05-14, 22:16
If you can get to a chemist before the exam you could try Bach rescue Remedy. I used it to get through exams.

Thank you! I will do that :)

08-05-14, 22:17
Good luck for the exam :)

09-05-14, 01:07
You'll be fine. I was worried about exams too but you kind of go into a zone when you get in there and panic is the last thing on your mind. I felt weirdly at peace at the end of exams when I'd finished my work and I could just sit there and listen to the shuffling and pens on paper.

23-11-15, 07:09
:huh:Exams have this crazy and weird power of shaking you to your nerves.:ohmy:
Do not worry. here are a few tips to help you:

Manage time efficiently
Start prepping early.Make your own notes.
Talk it out with someone.:hugs:
Visualize success.
Scan each page of your question sheet to analyse properly with a stable mind what you are sure about and what you are not.:unsure:
Until the end, go back to the answers to review them.
Breathe deep with faith.:yesyes: