View Full Version : Feels like food is stuck in my back!

08-05-14, 22:03
This is my 1st post & I'm hoping someone out there can relate to what I am feeling.
The last few days I have had a feeling like food is stuck into back, it sounds really silly but it feels just like when it's stuck when you swallow too fast. I've ha the odd feeling in my chest/food pipe but it's mostly the right of my upper back.
It isn't constant, it's mainly been at night time.
I searched google & as always it brought up the worst possible situation, this time being lung cancer after lung cancer info.

I'm now absolutely crapping myself, I always think the worst of things anyway but I'm really panicking.

I currently suffer with hyperthyroidism, I've lost a lot of weight, have constant heart palpitations & I'm on medication daily - 30mg carbimazole for the thyroid & 2.5mg bisoprolol for the irregular heart beat.

I look forward to any advice/similar story's.

Thank you in advance, Jodie:weep:

08-05-14, 22:31
Hello and welcome jodie ,I haven't had this symptom myself but I have read alot of posts people say they felt something in their throat and the worse thing you can do is google it will always tell you the worst case ,my advice would be try and calm yourself relax see if it settles if it doesn't go see your gp but it sounds like anxiety to me check out some of the posts xx :welcome: