View Full Version : gallstones?

09-05-14, 00:45
I had severe pain in my upper right back last week. Felt like a knot in my back but really severe pain, made worse when pressed on, but not muscular.
Felt generally unwell since then, had a lot of noises from my stomach, like acid gurgling noises which kheep me awake at night too.
Right now I'm lying in bed with an extremely heavy feeling stomach, like iv got a brick in my stomach, I'm also finding it harder to breathe. Getting some right sided pain again and weird taste in my mouth.
I have no idea if its stones in my gallbladder, but its my best guess. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this or has had it themselves?

09-05-14, 00:58
Being that stomach issues (reflux etc.) are prevalent with anxiety sufferers, chances are it's in that category. Unfortunately, no one can diagnose via a forum so a visit to the doctor would be in order if this persists.

Positive thoughts

09-05-14, 08:38
I've had biliary colic. Luckily as painful as it is, it's nothing to worry about as it's not life-threatening and is very easily remedied if it doesn't go away by itself. But as Fishmanpa says, given you have anxiety it's far more likely up be related to that, whether GERD or silent reflux or IBS or just random pain. :)