View Full Version : Wow, it never ends

09-05-14, 01:08
I honestly thought I was getting better over the past couple of days - ridding myself of the suffocation feeling once and for all. Wrong!

First of all I went to bed last night all relaxed, felt pretty good but my sleep was on and off all night, more off than on. I had no racing thoughts going on, no suffocation feeling. I didn't take anything to help me sleep.

I get up this morning and other symptoms started up - chest tightening at times, head in fog, nervousness feeling, weak legs. Now it feels like the suffocation feeling is coming back again.

I kept myself busy tidying up around the house and other times I relaxed by reading, watching tv. Nope, all these symptoms just carried on. I am so darned tired. I tried a nap, was not happening.

Well I have now been given a 30 day supply of Ativan by my own doctor to hold me over until I see the meds doctor at the psychiatric wellness centre that won't be for another two weeks yet. I have tried not to take these on a daily basis but now it has reached the point where I will take one a night until I see that doctor so that I can at least get some sleep. These are .5 mg a tablet and I was instructed to take 1/2 to 1 tablet daily as needed. I will try the 1/2 and see how that works out. In the past I was taking a whole tablet and was very sleepy during the day.

It's going on 15 weeks now of this constant suffocation feeling along with other symptoms day and night. It's mentally wearing me down.

I also have a stress cardiac MRI on Monday as a last test to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with me however I get the sense that the cardiologist doesn't think there is anything physically wrong. Echocardiogram showed all was fine.

As usual, thanks for letting me vent. I know I'm repeating stuff but it helps somewhat to get it out. This is like a therapy for me.

I just have to keep telling myself that there will be an end to this.

09-05-14, 01:21
hi im going through that feeling, not nice my chest feels heavy more so if i think about it. some times i feel it nr my throat other times down one side i can run upstairs and not be gasping for breath so i keep telling my head its becouse im that up tight all the time my chest muscles are affected i hope. i dont relax im holding myself tight mostly. does not help,