View Full Version : do you ever worry whether it's "safe" to stop worrying?!?

09-05-14, 08:20
Even though I'm 99% certain there's nothing physically wrong with me having had all the tests including a clear colonoscopy, I still worry "what if" a mistake had been made and am scared to stop worrying & get on with my life in case it's not "safe" to do so. On the other hand, I don't want to wake up a healthy 80 yr old who wasted years worrying about something that never happened. I know all the worry in the world won't change the outcome but I can't help myself. Anyone else???

09-05-14, 08:57
I feel exactly the same! I've had a clear colonoscopy, endoscopy, xray, 2 ultrasounds, mri and 3 lots of blood tests, all clear. So I should be content, but I was too concerned to stop worrying in case something has been missed (since the pain and symptoms are still there). So today I went off and had a ct scan. If that's ok I know I have to stop all this or I will so what you said, probably waste good years worrying for no reason!

09-05-14, 09:19
I am also the same, I was worried about bowel cancer because of my abdominal pain, so had abdominal ultrasound which was clear, still Idid not believe everything was okay so asked to be referred to a specialist who sent me for CT scan and a sigmoidoscopy even though she did not feel anything.

This was clear even though a small pouch may have been seen to make sure a MRI scan was order even though I went back to the specialist for my results which was fine however because of my HA and to be on the safe side a nuclear scan was ordered - because I also have NF sometimes these lumps can grow inside the body.

09-05-14, 10:24
Letting your guard down and learning to relax can definitely be a struggle for people who have anxiety issues. But, the more you practice letting go the easier it gets :)

09-05-14, 12:13
Dobbiedoo, when has worrying ever helped you? Worrying just takes up my mind space and causes my ability to be productive to be at a stand still. Worrying doesn't allow me the time to enjoy living. At some point, we just have to let it go and trust. Trust ourselves, our physicians and those around us. Just try believing for one hour at a time. Distraction can work wonders in that regard.