View Full Version : Please help :-( could I have ovarian or pancreatic cancer?!?!?

09-05-14, 12:41
Hi guys

I am still ill :-( been like this for I've a week now apart from a brief break from all my symptoms when I went docs on Tuesday

My symptoms are

Pain in my left side above and around my hip area feels like an ache
Bloated and feeling a little sick like something is stuck in my throat
Back muscles very stiff left shoulder painful when arm lifted to shoulder height
Left ear feels blocked or full even though doc checked it Tuesday and was clear

Please help :-(

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 ----------

I should add I have ibs the sickness is a new symptom I have felt sick before but not for this long also I am constantly worried about having a blood test

---------- Post added at 12:41 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

Sorry also forgot to add my jaw goes stiff like just before you are going to be sick and saliva fills your mouth only it doesn't just my jaw goes stiff

09-05-14, 13:03
Remind us what the doctor said?

09-05-14, 13:15

He said I was anxious because of this nhs blood test I have to have due to being over 40 he has told me before my hip pain is ovulation pain but I have been googling all morning he took my blood pressure twice he sed the first reading was good and the second was perfect and he sed if his blood pressure was that he would be a happy bunny

09-05-14, 13:23
I would be more inclined to listen to the doctor than what google tells you :)

09-05-14, 14:03
Omg, Caz I am suffering from the exact same thing (except it's on my right size).

I am hoping it's anxiety that is causing my IBS to flare up. I have an appointment with the ENT specialist next week about the lump in my throat and sore ear and am in a panic about that (also stressed about my work). I have a fear of my doctor will dismiss me and just put it down to anxiety so i am giving myself a two week window........ if it's just as bad next week then i will make an appointment.

I can totally understand your panic, my mum died of Pancreatic cancer so it's big one for me. I am not a doctor but these are very common HA symptoms so hopefully that can put your mind at a little ease.

Sending Positive thoughts.



09-05-14, 14:16
Hi all

Thanks so much for your replies

I am so scared it's making me worse I am so tired of this :-(

I am frightened to have these blood tests I am scared of going doctors have to work myself up to it like I did over bank holiday weekend

I could believe it's all down to HA everything else I have had before except this sickness thing it feels like I am getting over a stomach bug if that makes sense my glands in my neck do feel up they hurt when I press them my period is due around the 15th of the month it always kicks off my ibs and I am hoping with the time of the month and this blood test playing on my mind it's a bad attack of anxiety as I type this my left side feels like it is burning on the inside with the occasional cramp that does feel like period pains I always get stuff leg muscles around my period too

09-05-14, 16:53
I totally understand where your coming from. 2 months ago I started to get a ache or cramp that goes from above my hip to my left side of stomach and back and leaning forward usually makes it worse along with laying on my left side.. I have also been freaking out over PC went to the Docs twice and he basically says its a pulled muscle or muscular related. Still im freaking out about it everyday