View Full Version : Health Anxiety got me too.

The G of O
09-05-14, 12:52
Hello everyone.
I've decided to post to this forum, because this site has helped me the most with my Health Anxiety. Especially the subsection on Health Anxiety.

I want to share my experience, so here it goes.
At the end of February this year I've had my first ever fear of dying. Up until then I always thought about myself as being someone with a healthy self esteem, calm, fun, outgoing, nothing could wory me too much. Well, little did I know how much can change when you first experience the fear - I mean the real fear.
So, end of this February I had too much coffee. It was normal for me to drink a cup of coffee every morning for 10 years now. That unfortunate day I drank that one cup and aditionally one more when I came to work. It was some instant type of coffee, I never had before. I didn't read instructions to see the right dosage, I just mixed it as I felt it would be right and drank it. Turns out I have put like 3 times the recommended amount.
About hour and half after that I felt that strange strong rush that I kind of knew from before - from drinking coffee and not eating enough after that. However, this time, the rush just kept getting worse and worse and worse to the point I got very dizzy.
Suddenly, I remembered the traumatic experience of seeing my girlfriend's dad dying of a heart attack with me, my girlfriend and her mom trying to revive him. That was 2 years ago. I was certain I was over that and that it would not haunt me or whatever. Well, I was wrong. I started to think how I am about to have a heart attack or stroke. My heart started racing, I started sweating, felt lightheaded, dizzy, out of control.
I asked my coworker to drive me to the ER. There, the doctor did neurological test with shining the light in my eyes, I had to follow his finger, descripe what happened, what I am feeling, then he did ECG. At the end he told me that I had a panick attack, caused by caffeine, which caused me to have too little of carbon dioxide in my blood and too little potassium. I was to go home, eat bananas, drink isostar and rest. After a couple of days I went to see my personal doctor, she then took my blood pressure, measured my carbon dioxide level, listened to my breathing. We concluded, I was fine.
After that I had felt normal things of caffeine withdrawal in the next week. And after that I was back to my old self until end of April.
Even though the experience from end of February was the worst day of my entire life, I never thought I have developed Health Anxiety.
And then it happened. End of April, all of the sudden, I felt dizzy at work and something familiar from that day in February came to my mind again. I have completely stopped drinking coffee so I could not rationalize my feelings. I was now sure that some permanent damage was done to my heart or brain and that now something fatal was about to happen.
I tried to calm myself. I was almost successful, but after a couple of days something similar happened and I was scared again.
Then came the numbness in my arms, feeling of pins and needles in my arms, to make things worse, more so in my left arm, feeling I have to caugh...
Because my work is in an office and I sit a lot, I do moderate exercise at least 2 times per week. I hike 3 kilometers uphill mid tempo. I am doing this for about 2 years now. I haven't stopped, even with my fears. Even after feeling dizzy and with pins and needles in my arms I go on my hike and I come to the top with no problems. I am trying to tell my subconscious self that this should be proof enough that my heart, brain, lungs are fine and that I am not terminally damaged and I am not going to die. However, when I come home from my exercise and try to relax and I feel pins and needles again, I become very worried.
This has been going on for two weeks now and I have the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea
- Feeling of pins and needles in my arms and chest; predominantly my left side
- Occasional dizzyness
- Acid reflux
- Feeling like my chest or lungs are in a painful spasm

The worst thing about the whole thing is that I can't tell if the pain comes first or the fear does. This prevents me from persuading myself that all my symptoms come from Health Anxiety and not the other way around.
I am talking about this with my girlfriend, my friend, my family. My mom is a nurse and is trying to reassure me that my symptoms are there because of the Health Anxiety and not because of some serious health problem.
I have never been ill in my life. Just an occasional cold and once a flu and that's it. Healthy as a fish as we say here. I also have to confess that I never understood how people could have health problems that originate from your mind. Well... I do now, but it is very hard for me to accept this, because I was always so strong until that dreadful day in February.

So this is my story. Health Anxiety can hit anyone at anytime - one doesn't need to be particularly anxious person before it happens. Fear of dying, realization of mortality - I mean the true realization, with your whole being; that can make anyone anxious... It got me too. If someone told me this would happen to me before that day in February, I would have laughed... I am not laughing now.

09-05-14, 16:57
Hi G of O. Your post is exactly what i needed to read today, as i was getting that very same tingling and as usual was winding myself up over it. So...a HUGE thank you, from me :)

The G of O
10-05-14, 06:05
Skye2, I am glad to hear that this helped you.
It is easier when you know you're not alone with these fears.

10-05-14, 13:34
I am high on the GAD scale, but had never heard of health anxiety before joining this forum. I suppose I've always a fear of dying since I was a teenager but sort of just got on with life, married three children, the usual. But August last Lear my dad passed away. Well I say passed away.... Was suddenly taken!!! No illness, no health problems, his heart stopped and he died. From that day the fear of dying has been overwhelming. I always knew we die, but losing my dad made me realise how precious and short life is. But rather than enjoying each day I worry every day. Worry about when I will die, how, who will find me, will I know, will it hurt..... I worry when I'm driving, when I stand in the shower because I might slip, when walking down the stairs as I might fall and crack my head open, I could list them all but I would be here a long time. I started getting string palpitations end of last year and thought it might be tea and coffee so have I caffeine anymore, I won't drink alcohol for fear of becoming an alcoholic.... As you can imagine my brain is on overdrive constantly. I'm on meds, have phonecalls from mental health team but as mentioned before I didn't know there was health anxiety!!!

10-05-14, 14:19
hi, there is a anxiety for anything our brain comes up with, once it starts its hard to stop becouse thats all we focus on. what once was positive becomes a negative its a scary thing to deal with but your not alone.

The G of O
11-05-14, 11:06
My girlfriend found this good quote for me: Fear doesn't prevent death, fear prevents life.
I try to think about this when I get my anxiety.

11-05-14, 12:50
Hi G of O. Congratulations for not allowing your health anxiety and your fears to inhibit you from doing your normal activities, like hiking. That is extremely important. Health anxiety can easily turn into agoraphobia when we allow our fears to stop us from our normal activities.

It sounds as if, rationally, you have a good handle on what is happening for you and on some of the triggers that are causing it. CBT and one on one therapy have helped me a great deal. Not sure if you have tried any of these yet, but I can tell you that they can be quite helpful. Meditation and/or deep breathing exercises can also help a great deal.

Good luck on your journey.

Rob jc
11-05-14, 13:45
Every word you said could have been written by me. Almost a carbon copy of my own experiences.
My dad died at 51 in his sleep to massive heart attack when i was 16.
I thought i was over it also... but by age 30
I have been to casualty 3 times with severe panic attacks. Needed Valium shots to calm me down. pins and needles in arm etc...Head rushes, dizziness freaking out. Fear of death. After about the 3rd panic attack i have never been the same.

I am 41 now, i managed to function for 6 or 7 years after it, holding down a job as Engineer.
Slow progression has left me with severe Agoraphobia and having to quit working.
Currently i am pretty much struggling to comprehend reality.

Anyway perhaps we can help each other out in future.

All the best


12-05-14, 07:50
Had you dealt with a death situation before or since your dad passing? I've had grandparents die, people I went to school with, and of course was upset but they didn't have the effect on me that losing my dad has. I was hoping that it would get easier as time went on (8mths is not long I know) but like yourself I have to force myself to go out. I have three children who I have to take to school every morning which is hard but I have to do it, the afternoon school run is horrendous tho. I've had all day to mull over things so by half two three I'm a wreck somedays! But because I HAVE to go, I go. Now if I had the CHOICE.... I would never go out. What sort of help have you had or having? I'm at a point where I can't be further than about ten minutes from home and i feel that it will eventually impact on the kiddy winks. And when I do go out, I rub my face, neck and arms. I wear a scarf a lot to make it less noticeable!!??

12-05-14, 09:19
Hi G of O. Thank you for sharing. After reading your experience I feel that I am not alone.