View Full Version : Blood stained shirt - Hep C/HIV Risk?

09-05-14, 14:42
Hi everyone,

In town today and happened to walk past someone whose shirt was heavily blood stained, as in, he looked almost soaked in blood. He looked rather aggressive and walked past me quickly, and I dont think we made contact but it's possible that we could have.

My worry is this: As when anyone walks past you in the open, you often feel a gush of wind as they do. Is it possible that HIV/Hep C particles could have become airborne as this wind gushed past me - perhaps into a mucus membrane such as my nose or eyes? :unsure:

09-05-14, 14:44
Hi everyone,

In town today and happened to walk past someone whose shirt was heavily blood stained, as in, he looked almost soaked in blood. He looked rather aggressive and walked past me quickly, and I dont think we made contact but it's possible that we could have.

My worry is this: As when anyone walks past you in the open, you often feel a gush of wind as they do. Is it possible that HIV/Hep C particles could have become airborne as this wind gushed past me - perhaps into a mucus membrane such as my nose or eyes? :unsure:

No... plain and simple.

positive thoughts

09-05-14, 15:37
Is there anything you would recommend I do in this situation? I feel dirty and as though the blood on his shirt has magically come into contact with me... Perhaps it even did as he brushed past (unsure of this)

09-05-14, 15:41
Not possible

You should tell yourself you are fine and nothing bad is going to happen

Worried 24/7
09-05-14, 16:03
Definitely not even REMOTELY possible. I'm a super hypochondriac and I wouldn't personally worry in that situation

09-05-14, 16:19
Thanks for your reassurance guys. Even, say for example the cut on my hand had made brief contact as he brushed past, would this be a cause for concern? I'm generally not too much of a hypochrondriac but the very sight of blood drives me insane

09-05-14, 16:53
Is there anything you would recommend I do in this situation? I feel dirty and as though the blood on his shirt has magically come into contact with me... Perhaps it even did as he brushed past (unsure of this)

How about a nice long hot shower :) I can't make your fear go away, only point out it's unfounded.

Positive thoughts

09-05-14, 17:32
U deffo wouldn't have caught anything and u probably didn't even make
Contact, your anxiety is just over analysing everything and making you think the worst. Put the clothes you were wearing in the wash and have a nice bath/shower and most importantly.....breathe and relax.

10-05-14, 10:51
Thank you for your reassurance everyone, you truly are amazing people.

I have one last question and I promise there will be no more on the matter! I thought about this last night as I got into bed... and well, I haven't really slept!

As the guy passed me so closely (I physically had to dodge him he was walking so near), would it have been possible to have inhaled anything from the gust of wind created? Sorry if this sounds so ridiculous but I can't help but feel there's something bad in my lungs... sigh

10-05-14, 10:59
Are HIV or Hepatitis airborne diseases? What's the answer?

Positive thoughts

10-05-14, 11:18
Do you know how hard it is to catch HIV from unprotected sex? it is one of the hardest diseases to catch. I am not saying you can't catch it the first time you have sex with someone HIV positive but it is actually very rare to do so.

So now imagine that blood on his T-shirt? that blood would have had to be fresh, really fresh and you would have needed to have had an open wound and that fresh blood would have had to get into your wound within seconds of bleeding to even give you a tiny tiny risk.

Your risk is 0.000% you have NO risk whatsoever. Put this out of your mind.

HIV is NOT airborne. If that was the case we would be seeing more people with HIV. It's not like a common cold and I know you know that :)