View Full Version : need i say more

07-12-06, 21:47
hey yall. i am feeling very insecure right at this moment. i am at work, and I occassionally get these feelings that people on the job think i


You don't have to be a cow to know what milk is.

07-12-06, 22:04
sorry, that i am totally incompetent. then right as i am typing this message, my boss comes in and stands over my shoulder and sees that i am obviously NOT working. she said that our department is having a staff meeting tomorrow. GREEEEAAAAT. Add all my insecurities together and you are about to have a big mess on your hands. Please any encouragement right now would help. shryl


You don't have to be a cow to know what milk is.

07-12-06, 22:11
hi sheryl
dont worry love, about them we are what we are we are f..k..g strong people to live with this hand life has dealt us i might live the other side of the big pond but i know exactly what its like to have to deal with this s..t on a day to day basis be strong and dont be afraid

07-12-06, 22:50
I hear ya Sheryl...you seem like a brave, very competant lady to me. I couldn't hold down a job like that. **** your boss and everyone you work with lol. Well not literally obviously. [}:)]

07-12-06, 23:33
hi sheryl mick couldnt of put it better totally agree,tc and hugs:)

08-12-06, 00:18
thank you, guys. truth is i shouldn't be doing this at work and so the guilt is my own paranoia which is totally founded. If i was doing my job and not so consumed with me and what everyone else thinks of me, i would probably be a lot happier. i feel kinda emotional today though and i hate feeling this way. my problem is that i get so afraid that some little thing really isn't little and that scares me to death cause i dont know if i am overestimating or underestimating the problem. talk about unbalanced. i haven't had a panic attack lately...maybe i'm due. anyway, writing my feelings down like this even if they don't make a whole lot of sense seems to help a bit.
thanks, again


You don't have to be a cow to know what milk is.

08-12-06, 17:20
I'm with ya on this one, Sheryl. I get anxious at work and come one here even though I shouldn't. and the incompetance thing... yeah, I have that too. Not that i'm an idiot, but I SUCK at both typing and proofreading, so the two together often conspire to make my best pieces look like crap. [B)]

Hang in there, Sheryl. (((hugs)))