View Full Version : Is something wrong

09-05-14, 16:33
I don't know if this is the right place for this but I'll post anyway as it's under health. I'm still feeling hungry after not long eating lunch which I had at 13.30 pm , normal time for me , I've also had an apple , banana , an orange so I don't know why I'm still hungry ? Here's what I've eaten today : Breakfast - kellogs bran flakes topped with 6 prunes , 6 walnuts and 2 table spoons of wheatbran. Lunch - ham , tomato and colesaw sandwich with a bag of spinach. Snacks - apple , orange , banana and a pack of snack a jacks. Drinks - 2 litres of water

09-05-14, 17:38
Forget what you have eaten in so much as the volume of food you have eaten its the calories you need to look at
I would say you have had about 300 calories not enough so get some dinner now, no wonder you are hungry

09-05-14, 17:43
You jst need to eat a bit more - nothing to worry about plus if you keep thinking your hungry it will make u hungry if you know what I mean. Have a look online for healthy meals and snacks that release energy slowly making you feel fuller for longer.

09-05-14, 18:08
That's closer to 1000 calories than 300

09-05-14, 18:35
Didn't actully calculate the calories as was working but yes was a bit out 662 still not enough for a healthy 27 year old be was hungry not thought he was hungry,wonder what you had for tea

09-05-14, 18:49
I had these fish gherkin things with couscous

09-05-14, 20:38
I'm always hungry

09-05-14, 23:23
I feel like I've been on a diet my whole life... chocolate is my cocaine !

10-05-14, 04:24
Your diet sounds super healthy! I eat tons of spinach, ahhhh I love it. But yeah, calories are your friend as long as you tame them. Maybe add some cheese to the sandwich for added protein next time?

If you've just changed your diet it will take a couple of weeks for your body to adapt so if you've cut out some foods that could make you feel a bit antsy I guess.
Good luck!