View Full Version : SSRI discontinuation syndrome

09-05-14, 18:59
Hi, Ive been struggling with Anxiety and Panic attacks since I experienced some unexpected health problems, I decided to start taking SSRI's to cope about a year ago, I very much hate relying on pills and since my health problems have cleared up a bit and my life is a bit more stable I decided I was in a right place to stop taking Citalopram, I was on 20mg a day for a year and I tried starting to cut down to 10mg which lasted about 5 days as I was getting fustrated realising it would take me months to taper off the citalopram "properly" so I decided to go cold turkey, since I've experienced horrible brain zaps and head aches and can't stand up without extreme vertigo and dizziness, has anyone else gone through this and come out the other side? I'm really starting to struggle and the last thing I want to do is to go back on the Citalopram as I feel it will turn into a horrible cycle.

09-05-14, 19:02
Yep you have come off WAAAAAY too quickly... you can ride it out or go back on to 10mgs then start reducing very very very slowly


09-05-14, 21:14
Sarah's, right, Elain. Wish it wasn't so, but it will be quite unpleasant and you may want to see your doc for help with coming off it. Good luck!

10-05-14, 15:10
I know I've come off them way to early, but being the strong minded stubborn person that I am I couldnt face another day of feeling emotionless and not myself on the citalopram, I guess what I'm asking more so is does anyone have any ways of coping with the brain zaps or other symptoms? I read somewhere drammamine can help, hasnt had much effect on me though.

10-05-14, 16:25
Some people recommend Benadryl for discontinuation symptoms. Of note: there is a stressful component to sudden withdrawal on the brain itself, making it harder to regain its previous function as opposed to slow gradual withdrawal from SSRIs.

10-05-14, 18:12
I had a horrific time coming off venlafaxine. Ended up with terrible vertigo etc. I don't remember what I did but I know it took a while for me to feel OK again. Maybe some natural herbs in a tea would help if you are not keen on medication.I acurrently blend chamomile and rooibos as I have just started sertraline. It's helping. Good luck and ride it out.

10-05-14, 18:45
Thanks summer.wolf nice to know I'm not alone, yes the vertigo is awful too, I'll try some more natural solutions

10-05-14, 20:34
Yeah, I just heard that Benadryl and Dramamine/Gravol (for travel sickness) help with flu-like symptoms. Not that they're natural, really, but that's what some people have used.

12-05-14, 15:51
I am on escitalopram and decided one day they weren't doing me any good and came off them.. Big mistake, dizziness on standing, stressed etc etc.

I've learnt now that the best way is to slowly reduce the amount and don't do any sudden stop of the tablets as the effects are nasty

13-05-14, 11:39
Its been almost 2 weeks since I stopped completely and I can say there is light at the end of the tunnel, feeling so much better already still get a few dizzy spells but I just try and ignore them and get on with my day, I think if you really are ready to come off them mentally its possible to do it cold turkey but the first week is hell.

14-05-14, 04:07
Best of luck, Elain! :hugs: Good to hear from you again, glad you're doing okay. If you do/did get brain zaps, don't worry, you may get the odd one very occasionally for awhile, then they'll stop. Just a discontinuation symptom, nothing to worry about. ...