View Full Version : continued headaches

09-05-14, 20:33
Hi guys I have posted before but struggling to find the post. I have been suffering headaches for about 6 weeks. First time it was for nearly 2 weeks and then it went away for a week and then came back and had them now for coming on 4 weeks. They started by me feeling a bit fussy headed and a bit out of it. Well I still have the headache and its mainly on top right side of my head but does have a tendency to move around day to day. One day it on top and the next it may be in my temple or all at the back. I don't have any other symptoms other than the occasional slightly snowy vision (unsure if this is in my mind or if its always been that way and iv just noticed) and some times I can sense the beat of my heart in my eye. Im very worried I have a brain tumor as its been going on for so long and I don't really have a history of headaches other than the odd tension headache that lasts for 1 day. My sister and mum suffer from them frequently. Medication takes the edge off and they are not there when resting or at night. I noticed them when I start walking around. They are mild but annoying. I have had bits of stress from partner and work and do get anxious. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Forgot to mention I get very slight dizziness if I move my head around too quickly and had a full eye test about 4 weeks ago that came back clear. At night my headaches dissapear and start later on in the morning, more noticably when i walk about. The 3 visits to the docs has not seemed to worry them either please help